Welcome to the Psychology Job Wiki. This site is intended to provide timely information to applicants about the status of academic job searches occurring in 2016-2017 in all areas of psychology. The wikis for previous years are still available. Job ads can be found in several places; here is a list of Job Ad Websites. As information about a search becomes available, you are encouraged to post it anonymously below. If this is your first time visiting the wiki, please read through the How to Use this Wiki section to become familiar with how the wiki works. There is also a Discussion Forum where you can read and post about the job market. Good luck to all job-seekers!
Announcement: The 2017-2018 wiki is now available
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Tenure-Track Faculty Jobs
Clinical & Counseling
American University of Beirut (Assistant Professor, Adult Clinical Psychology; job ad; deadline 1/15/17)
American University of Beirut (Assistant Professor, Child Clinical or Developmental Psychology; job ad; deadline 1/15/17)
Angelo State University (Assistant Professor; review of applications begins immediately) 1st Offer Made 11/14, accepted 11/16; 2nd Offer made 12/13 and accepted 1/13
Aquinas College (Assistant Professor, Counselor Education; job ad; deadline 1/30/17)
Arcadia University (Assistant Professor; review begins immediately) Campus interview invite 11/2; offer accepted
Arizona State University (Associate Professor; review begins 12/27)
Bard College (Assistant Professor; review begins 10/15) Phone interview offered 10/30, offer made rejection email 2/10
Barnard College (Assistant Professor; review begins 10/1) References requested 11/1 x2, Campus interview invite 12/13
Baylor University (Assistant/Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology; deadline 10/15) Rejection Letter 11/6
Bogazici University (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology job ad; review begins immediately)
Bridgewater State University (Assistant or Associate Professor; review begins 9/15)
Caldwell University (Assistant Professor of Psychology, School Counseling; job ad; review begins immediately; open until filled)
California Lutheran University (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; job ad; 2 positions avail, one in counseling dept (M.S degrees), one in Psy.D) Rejection letter 1/12
California State University San Bernardino (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; Children, Families, Couples; deadline 11/16) Campus interviews underway
Carlow University (Assistant Professor of Psychology-Counseling Psychology preferred; job ad; deadline 3/20/17)
Centenary College of Louisiana (Assistant Professor of Psychology - Clinical/Counseling/Social preferred; job ad; deadline 1/9 - will continue accepting applications after deadline)
Central College (Assistant Professor of Psychology; Area: Counseling, Health, or School Psychology; deadline 12/20) Phone interview 1/20
Chestnut Hill College (Assistant Professor; job ad; review begins immediately)
Christopher Newport University (Assistant Professor of Clinical/Counseling Psychology; deadline 10/21) Phone interview request 10/28 x2; e-mail stating search won't be finished by this term; offer accepted, position filled
CUNY Hunter College (Open Rank; review begins 9/5) Skype interview request 10/17 x2; job talks scheduled
Clark University (Assistant Professor; deadline 10/5) Phone interview requested 10/21; position filled
Cleveland State University (Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology; deadline 9/26) On campus invite 10/26
Cleveland State University (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; [https://hrjobs.csuohio.edu/postings/7039]; review begins immediately)
College of the Holy Cross (Assistant Professor; deadline 9/25) Offer made and accepted
Colorado State University (Special Assistant Professor, Director of Psychological Services Center; job ad; deadline extended to 4/16)
Eastern Connecticut State University (Assistant Professor of Clinical or Counseling Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately) Campus invite 12/16
Eastern Michigan University (Assistant Professor Child Clinical, job ad; applications reviewed until 1/15/17) Phone interview requested 12/20; Skype interview request 1/6; campus invite 1/20
Elizabethtown College (Assistant Professor; deadline 10/31) Skype interview requested 10/21; Offer made and accepted
Emory University (Open rank; Open area) (see posting under Open Area)
Fairfield University (Assistant Professor; review begins immediately, deadline 10/5) Phone interview requested 10/19; position filled
Fayetteville State University (Assistant Professor Clinical/Counseling; rolling review 8/25) Post cancelled 1/25
Florida International University (Open Rank; Autism or Other Developmental Disorders, Child or Adolescent Clinical; deadline 11/14)
Fontbonne University (Assistant or Associate Professor; apply by 10/12) Phone interview request 10/21; e-mail stating position is filled 12/15
Fordham University (Assistant or Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology; job site; deadline 2/15)
Georgia Southern University (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; screening begins 10/10) Phone interview requested 10/18, on-site interview invite 10/31 Search cancelled
Georgia State University (Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology; deadline 09/30) Skype interview 10/11; Letter stating position filled
Hartwick College (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; review begins 10/15)
Humboldt State University (Assistant Professor of Clinical/Counseling Psychology; job re-opened 2/7/17, open until filled; job ad)
Idaho State University (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology/Tenure-Track; review begins 10/1) Phone interview request 12/31; Campus interview invite 03/17
Illinois Institute of Technology (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; review begins 11/1) Campus interview invite 11/18, 11/21
Illinois Wesleyan University (Assistant Professor of Clinical/Counseling Psychology; review begins 10/1) Phone interview request 11/21; Campus interview invite 12/9
Indiana University South Bend (Assistant Professor of Psychology; review begins 12/1) Email on 1/12 stating that interviewing will begin soon/confirming interest in position; Campus interview invite 01/23
Kean University (Assistant Professor, doctorate degree in clinical, school or combined school and clinical psychology is required; job ad; Review begins 01/11/17)
Kent State (Open rank Professor, focus on Adult Clinical, Behavioral Neuroscience, or Clinical Health; review begins 11/15)
Lake Forest College (see posting under Open) Phone interview 10/2; Offer extended
Lakehead University (Canada; Assistant Professor of Psychology; Indigenous Mental Health & Addictions; job ad; review begins immediately)
Lewis-Clark State College (Assistant Professor of Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately) Skype interview request 2/1; Campus interview invite 2/13
Loma Linda University (Two Assistant Professor / Other Ranks Considered; job ad; review begins immediately)
Longwood University (Assistant Professor of Psychology; review begins immediately) Post filled
Louisiana State University (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; review begins 11/1) Job interview invite for early Dec 11/28 x2; offer extended
Louisiana Tech University (Assistant Professor x2; Counseling Psychology; review begins 11/1) Skype Interview Request 11/4; On-campus invite 11/21; Offer made 12/27; Offer accepted 1/13 for one position; email stating both positions filled
Loyola University Chicago (Assistant Professor; Counseling Psychology; review begins 10/31) Rejection e-mail 1/12 x2
Marquette University (Assistant Professor; Statistician and Research Methodologist; review begins 11/20) offer accepted
Marshall University (Assistant/Associate Professor; job ad; rolling reviews begin immediately)
McGill University (Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology; review begins 10/1) Interview invite 10/31 x2; offer made and accepted
McGill University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Counselling Psychology; job ad; review begins 1/10)
McGill University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Mental Health; job ad; review begins 1/10)
McGill University (See Indigenous Psychology within the Canadian Context posting (tenure-track) under Other)
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada (Assistant Professor, Counselling Psychology; deadline 9/30)
Mercer University (Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology; review begins 11/1)
Merrimack College (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; review begins 12/15) Offer accepted
Midwestern University (job ad; open until filled) Phone interview invite 11/3 x2
Michigan State University (Assistant Professor in Behavioral and Statistical Genetics; deadline 11/1) Offer accepted 2/16
Millsaps College (Assistant Professor of Psychology, clinical focus; deadline 11/30) Email update; Email update position filled
Mississippi State University (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; deadline 10/15) Skype interview request 10/28, emailing stating no in-person after Skype interview 11/11; Phone call invite for on campus interview on 11/11/16
Montclair State University (Open Rank, School or Clinical Child Psychology; review begins 10/15) Phone interview invite 10/21, x2 on 10/26; Campus interview invite 11/10 x2
Mount Holyoke College (Assistant Professor of Clinical, Counseling, or School Psychology; deadline 8/31) Skype interview 10/12; On campus interview invite 10/14; Offer made 11/22
Mount Mercy University (Assistant Professor of Psychology; job ad; open until filled) Phone interview invite 12/8; Campus interview invite 12/14
Mount Saint Mary's University (Los Angeles)(Assistant/Associate Clinical or Counseling Psychology with Spanish fluency; job ad; open until filled review begins March 2017)**
Murray State University (Assistant Professor of Clinical/Counseling or Developmental Psychology; deadline 10/3) Phone interview invite 10/19; Campus interviews completed; Offer made and accepted January 2017
Nevada State College (Henderson) (Assistant Professor (or Lecturer) of Clinical/Counseling Psych; deadline 11/7) Phone interviews scheduled 11/28; campus invites scheduled 12/9 x3
Northern Kentucky University (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; review begins 10/15) Request for further info (in lieu of phone interview) made 10/21
Northwestern University (Assistant Director, Program on Developmental Mechanisms of Psychopathology; job ad; deadline 3/31/17)
Nova Southeastern University (Assistant Professor, anxiety focus; job ad; open until filled)
Nova Southeastern University (Assistant Professor, mental health counseling; job ad; open until filled)
Nova Southeastern University (Associate Professor, mental health counseling; job ad; open until filled)
Nova Southeastern University (Assistant Professor, sports psychology; job ad; open until filled)
Ohio University (Assistant Professor of Clinical Health Psychology; deadline 10/15) Skype interview requested 10/26; campus interview 11/5; offer extended
Ohio Wesleyan University (Assistant Professor of Clinical or Counseling Psychology; job ad; review begins 1/9)
(The) Pennsylvania State University (Open Rank Position in Child Maltreatment in the Department of Psychology; job ad)
(The) Pennsylvania State University - Mont Alto (Assistant Professor of Clinical or Counseling Psychology; job ad; review begins 1/16/17)
Pomona College (Assistant Professor; deadline 10/15) Phone interview invite 10/30 x4; rejection e-mail 11/15; rejection following phone interview 11/15 x2; invited for campus interview x3; done with invites for now; offer accepted early Jan 2017
Presbyterian College (Assistant Professor of Clinical/Counseling Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately) Search ongoing 12/14
Queens College, CUNY (Assistant Professor of Psychology, ABA or Clinical Psychology; deadline 12/19)
Queen's University, Kingston, Canada (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; 2 positions; deadline 11/30) Campus interview invite 12/7
Radford University (Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology; deadline 10/02) Phone interview requested 10/24, 1/10
Rhodes College (Assistant Professor of Psychology/Clinical or Counseling; deadline 10/15) Phone/Skype interview requested 10/26 x3; Campus interview invite 11/7; Offer accepted
Rockford University (Assistant Professor of Psychology - Clinical; review begins 12/5) Phone interview requested 12/13
Roosevelt University (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; review begins 12/15) Request for letter of references 1/5; Phone interview invite 1/12; On-campus invite 1/17
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick, NJ (2 Positions: 1 Open Rank, 1 Assistant Professor; deadline 10/15)
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology NJ Clinical Psychology Department - Assistant Professor https://jobs.rutgers.edu/postings/44212
Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Dept of Psychiatry, University Behavioral Health Care (5 target areas, job ad; job posted Feb 2017; no deadline listed)
Saint Martin's University (deadline 11/15) Skype interview 12/13
Sam Houston State University (Three tenure track positions, Assistant and Associate Professor, two clinical/forensic and one clinical or nonclinical forensic; review begins 11/15)
Santa Clara University (Assistant Professor in Counseling Psychology; deadline 9/30) Skype interview request 10/29; on-campus interview invite 11/9; position filled
Seattle Pacific University (Assistant/Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology; review begins 12/15) Phone interview 1/11
Southern Arkansas University (Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology) Position filled
Stanford University (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor; Anxiety or ADHD; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences; job ad; review begins immediately)
Stetson University (Assistant Professor of Clinical Health Psychology/Tenure-Track; deadline 10/5) Skype interview 10/18
State University of New York (SUNY) Canton (Assistant Professor, Clinical or Counseling; job ad; open until filled)
State University of New York (SUNY) New Paltz (Assistant Professor, Counseling & Counselor Education; job ad; priority to applications received by 2/1/17)
State University of New York (SUNY) Potsdam (Assistant Professor, Clinical; job ad; open until filled) Campus invite 12/19
Tennessee State University (Assistant Professor; Counseling Psychology; review begins 11/5) Phone Interview Invite 12/2; On-campus Interview Invite 1/9
Texas A&M University (Assistant Professor; Marriage and Family Therapy; job ad; review begins immediately) Phone Interview Invite 12/8; Campus Invite 2/3
Texas A&M University (Open Rank Professor of Psychology/Tenure Track; Clinical psychology applicants welcome to apply; review begins 10/15)
Texas State University (Assistant/Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology/Tenure Track; deadline 10/3) Skype interview 10/12; On-campus interview invite; Position filled
Texas Tech University (Assistant Professor; Counseling Psychology; Department of Psychological Sciences; review begins 10/1) On campus interview invite 10/18; Offer Extended; e-mail stating position filled
Texas Tech University (Assistant Professor; Marriage and Family Therapy; Department of Community, Family & Addiction; deadline 12/1)
Truman State University (Assistant Professor; Counseling, Clinical, or School psychology; review begins 11/21)
University of Akron (Assistant Professor; Counseling; job ad; review begins immediately) Phone interview invite 1/16
University of Alaska, Anchorage (Assistant Professor; Clinical-Community Psychology) Phone interview invite 12/15; Campus interview invite 1/21; Offer extended and accepted
University at Albany, SUNY (Assistant Professor; Child Clinical Psychology; review begins 9/30) Campus interview invite 10/27 x2
University of Alabama (2 positions: Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; 1 Health and/or Geropsychology; review begins 8/15) Skype interview 10/4
University of British Columbia (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; deadline 10/1) Campus interview invite 11/4
University of California, Davis (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry; job ad; first review is 7/8, but apps accepted through 10/31)
University of Canterbury, New Zealand (Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Child and Family Psychology; job ad; deadline 7 Feb 2017)
University of Central Arkansas (Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology; deadline 2/1/17) Phone interview on 2/14Job Offer Accepted
University of Cincinnati (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately) References requested; 1/21 rejection email
University of Colorado Boulder (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; deadline 10/15) References requested 10/17; video interview request 10/21; at least 1 job talk scheduled: link; campus interview invite x2; has an offer been made and accepted?
University of Denver (Assistant Professor, Child Clinical; review begins 10/1) Skype interview invite 10/27 x3; on campus interview invite 11/9
University of Dundee (Scotland, UK) (Chair (full professorship) / Reader; Mental Health across Lifespan); job ad; Application deadline: 17th May 2017
University of Findlay (Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Clinical; review begins 9/30) On campus interviews November
University of Georgia - Athens (Assistant Professor in Community/Mental Health Counseling; deadline 10/1)
University of Guelph (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; deadline 4/19) Search is closed 7/11
University of Hartford (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; best consideration by 11/10) Email: Still reviewing applications
University of Hawaii at Manoa (Assistant Professor in Clinical Neuroscience; review begins 11/22) Search canceled, position re-posted
University of Hawaii at Manoa (Re-advertised Ad: Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; job ad; review begins 1/27/17)
University of Houston-Clear Lake (Assistant Professor in Behavioral Medicine/Health Psychology) Phone Interview scheduled for 1/11; offer made
University of Illinois at Chicago (Assistant Professor [tenure track] in Clinical Psychology; deadline 11/1) References requested 11/4 x2; offer made
University of La Verne (2 Assistant/Associate Professor Positions in Clinical Psychology PsyD, MFT, or Undergraduate Psychology Programs; review begins 11/1) Phone interview request 11/22
University of La Verne (1 Assistant/Associate Professor Position in MFT Program with role as "Fieldwork Co-ordinator"; review begins 11/1)
University of Louisville (Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology; deadline 01/13/17)
University of Maryland (Open Rank/Clinical Psychologist, Addiction Science; job ad) Rejection email 12/6
University of Maryland Baltimore County (Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology / Behavioral Medicine, Tenure Track; review begins 10/15) Campus interview 11/11; offer extended
University of Melbourne Australia (Director Clinical Program, Tenure-Track; job ad; deadline 8/7)
University of Miami (Assistant/Associate Professor, Clinical Psychology, review begins 10/15) email decided to pursue senior hire
University of Michigan (see posting under Neuroscience)
University of Minnesota (Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology; review begins 10/10)
University of Minnesota (Assistant Professor, Counseling Psychology; review begins 10/10) Campus interview invite 11/8
Université de Montréal (Assistant Professor, Clinical (intervention); deadline 11/17) Interviews scheduled 01/2017
University of New Orleans (see posting under Developmental)
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Assistant Professor, Clinical (Neuropsychology); job ad; Deadline update: 3/1/17)
University of Nevada, Reno (Assistant Professor, Clinical, 2 positions; review begins 10/15) Phone interview invite 10/21, 10/27; campus invite 11/15 x3; offer accepted
University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Assistant Professor; Clinical child position) Post cancelled 1/10/17
University of North Carolina Wilmington (Assistant Professor; Clinical Psychology, Substance Use Specialization; review begins 11/1) Requested reference letters 11/12; campus interviews underway
University of North Dakota (Assistant Professor; Counseling Psychology #16333; review begins 11/1) Video interview request 12/16 x2; Email thatsearch cancelled due to hiring freeze, possibility of hiring NTT position
University of Northern Colorado (Assistant Professor in Counseling Psychology; review begins 10/15) Phone Interview request 11/14; campus invite 12/8; position filled
University of Oregon (Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology & Human Services; review begins 10/31)Phone interview request 12/01x3; rejection e-mail 2/9
University of Rhode Island (Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; multicultural specialization; first consideration deadline 11/7) On Campus Interview Invite 11/11
University of Rochester (Open Rank, Clinical Psychology; review begins 10/15) Campus interview invite 11/2
University of Saskatchewan (Tenure track Clinical Director; job ad; deadline 1/15)
University of South Alabama (Assistant Professor, open area, health/child/pediatric emphasized; review begins 10/15) Email: Campus invites extended for Jan; letter stating position filled
University of South Carolina (Assistant Professor, Clinical-Community, social and health inequities; review begins 11/21) Phone interview request 12/13 x4; Campus interview invite 12/19; Offer extended and accepted
University of Southern California (Assistant or Associate Professor, Geropsychology; review begins 11/1)
University of Southern Illinois Carbondale (Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology; deadline 10/3) Phone interview request 10/27; campus interview invites already sent out; position filled
University of Southern Indiana (Assistant Professor of Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately) Skype interview request 12/7
University of Tampa (Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Psychology - Clinical; job ad; review begins immediately)
University of Tennessee (Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology; review begins 10/1) Campus interview invite 11/17; offer made 1/10, offer accepted
University of Tennessee (Assistant Professor, Counseling Psychology; review begins 10/1) Update - position not filled, but on-campus interviews conducted
University of Texas Austin (Open Rank Professor; Counseling Psychology; review begins 10/14) e-mail stating position filled
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (Open Rank or Tenure Track Position, Psycho-Oncology) http://www.mdanderson.org/education-and-research/departments-programs-and-labs/departments-and-divisions/behavioral-science/index.html; email: gro.nosrednadm|hcraeSytlucaFicSheB#gro.nosrednadm|hcraeSytlucaFicSheB
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (Clinic Director Open-rank [Associate/Full Professor]-1 position; Clinical Psychology Open rank[Assistant/Associate/Full Professor]-1 position; deadline 11/15)
University of Toronto Scarborough (Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream in Clinical Psychology; deadline 10/13) Interview invite 11/8; Offer accepted
University of Waterloo (Assistant Professor, job ad, Clinical Psychology; deadline 12/16) Reference letters requested 12/12x3
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire (Assistant Professor, Clinical, Counseling Psychology or Social Psychology with an emphasis in Cultural or Cross Cultural Psychology; review begins 10/15) Phone interview 10/18
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point (Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Clinical/Counseling/School Psychology, 2 positions; review begins 9/1) Offer made but not accepted for 1 position 12/9
Vanderbilt University (Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology, in Department of Psychology and Human Development; review begins 10/1) Offers accepted
Virginia Tech, Falls Church (Assistant Professor, Marriage and Family Therapy; job ad; deadline 1/1)
Washburn University** (Assistant Professor in Child/Clinical; review begins 10/7) Email: Position filled
West Chester University of Pennsylvania (Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately) Phone interview requested 10/25; Second round phone interviews 1/16
Western Carolina University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Clinical Psychology; job ad; open until filled) Phone/video interview scheduled 11/24
Western Kentucky University (Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology; review begins 10/15) Invitation for phone interview or in-person meet at ABCT 10/24, campus invite 11/2; offer made 12/20; offer declined 1/5
Western Oregon University (Assistant Professor of Psychological Sciences; review begins 10/31) Phone conversation 11/11; skype interviews 11/30-12/2; campus interview invite; offer extended; offer accepted
Western Washington University (Assistant Professor, Counselor Educator; job ad; review begins 3/3) Offer accepted 5/17/17
Williams College (Visiting Professor, Clinical Psychology; review begins 12/10)
Worcester State University (Assistant Professor, Clinical or Counseling Psychology, APA-accredited program; 2 positions available; review begins 10/15) Rejection email stating search narrowed 1/10
York University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Clinical Developmental Psychology; deadline 11/1)
Acadia University (Limited Term Assistant Professor in Cognitive-Neuropsych [http://www2.acadiau.ca/files/au2015/files/Files%20~%20Academic%20Job%20Postings/Advertisement%202017%20CLT%20Psychology%2021108.pdf]; deadline May 26, 2017)
Alma College (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Psychology; job ad; deadline Dec 1) Phone interview requested 12/16 x 2; phone interview requested 1/6 Campus interview requested 1/11
American University In Cairo (Tenure track position Assistant/Associate Professor in Cognitive Psychology Job ad)
American University of Beirut (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Psychology; job ad; deadline Jan 15 2017)
Arizona State University (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Psychology, Job Ad; review begins 11/7) Skype interview requested 11/28/2016x2 On-campus interview invite Offer received 02/27/2017 Offer Accepted
Bennington College (One-Year Visiting Faculty Position in Cognitive Psychology/Neuroscience; job ad; priority will be given to applications received by April 1**
Bogazici University (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately)
Bucknell University (see posting under Developmental
Cardiff University, School of Psychology, (United Kingdom) (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader/Professor; job ad; deadline 12/31)
California State University, East Bay (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Psychology; review begins 10/1) Phone interview 11/29; Rejection received 1/13; offer extended and accepted
(The) Catholic University of America (Assistant Professor, Applied Experimental Psychology; job ad; review begins 10/20) Phone interview 11/19
Clemson University (Assistant Professor, Cognitive/Experimental Psychology; job ad; review of applications begins 12/15) Phone interview request Any news about campus interviews? Three onsite interviews went out
Columbia University (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience; job ad; review begins 10/15) Skype interview request 11/2 Campus interviews extended
Dominican University (Assistant Professor, Human Cognition; job ad; review begins 11/18) Phone interview request 12/9
Drexel University, Department of Psychology (Assistant or Associate Professor, Cognitive Psychology or Cognitive Neuroscience; job ad; review begins 11/1) Campus interview invite 11/21
Eastern Kentucky University, Department of Psychology (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Psychology or Cognitive Neuroscience; review begins 11/17) position filled after phone interview during week before Thanksgiving
Elmhurst College (Assistant Professor, Cognitive or Biopsychology; deadline 10/14) Phone interview requested 10/28; On-Campus Interview offer 11/4; rejection/filled email 12/16; Offer accepted 12/20
Emory University (Open rank; Open area) (see posting under Open Area)
Framingham State University (Assistant Professor, Learning and Cognition; job ad; review begins 12/1) Phone interview requested 1/6 X 3; rejection email received (3/20)
Georgia College & State University (Assistant Professor, Cognitive or Behavioral; job ad; apply by 11/7 for full consideration) video interview, 12/7
Georgetown University (Postdoc in Educational neuroscience/reasoning; job ad; )
Howard University Assistant Professor (tenure track), Cognitive Psychology; job ad; review starting 4/1
Howard University Assistant Professor (tenure track); Quantitative Psychology; review starts on a rolling basis from May 1 until filled; see posting under Quantitative
Hood College (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Psychology; deadline 10/14) Phone interview requested 10/25 x4; Rejection email 11/9; Campus interview on going; rejection email with notification of completed hire 1/9/17
Johns Hopkins University Assistant Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience, in Neurology Department; job ad; deadline 11/15)
Knox College (job site; deadline 11/15) video interview invite 12/16
Lake Forest College (see posting under Open) phone interview 10/2 offer extended
Louisiana State University (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience; job ad; review of applications begins 11/1) phone interview 11/9 x2 Campus Interview 12/13 Offer extended and accepted
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Psychology; job ad; review begins 11/1) phone interview invite 11/14
Mississippi State University (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Science, job ad; deadline 11/15) phone interview invite 12/5
Missouri University of Science and Technology (Assistant Professor; job ad; deadline 10/15) phone interview invite, 11/23*phone interview invite,11/23, job offered and accepted
Mount Allison University (Two term positions for 2017/18; one teaching post doc, one assistant professor level) - interviews underway
New York University (Open Rank Joint Position in Psychology + Center for Data Science; job ad; deadline 1/15)
New York University Abu Dhabi (Professor or Associate Professor with tenure; job ad)
Northern Arizona University (see posting under Neuroscience)
Purdue University (see posting under Developmental)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Assistant Professor, Psychological Sciences, interested in big data and naturally occurring data; deadline 10/20) Skype interview request 11/2, campus interview request 12/6
San Diego Community College District (Assistant Professor, Psychology; job ad; deadline 12/15)
St. Norbert College ** POSTED 5/31/2017 (Visiting Assistant Professor, up to 3 years, additional expertise in physiological psychology or neuroscience preferred; job ad; review begins immediately; applications will be screened as they arrive.)
Stanford University (Assistant Professor, higher-level cognition; job ad; deadline 10/30) on-campus interview request 12/14
Stony Brook University (Assistant Professor, Cognitive with focus on aging; job ad; deadline 10/1) Campus Interview Request 10/24; Offer made and accepted
Temple University (Assistant Professor, Cognitive/Cognitive Neuroscience; job ad; review begins 10/14) Campus Interview request 11/29
Thiel College (Assistant Professor, Cognitive with a focus on development especially welcome; job ad; deadline 11/21)
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (State University of Morelos, Mexico) (website; open until filled)
University of Alabama (Assistant Professor, Educational Neuroscience) (see posting under Neuro); Skype interview request 10/10, campus interview request 10/24
University of Arkansas (Assistant Professor, Cognitive/Cognitive Neuroscience; job ad; deadline 11/14)
University of Arizona (Open rank Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory; deadline December 1, 2016; job ad
University of Bath, UK (Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience; job ad; deadline January 31, 2017)
University at Buffalo (Assistant/Associate Professor in Communicative Disorders and Sciences or closely related area; job ad; review begins 11/1)
University of British Columbia (Assistant Professor in Cognitive Science; job ad; deadline 10/1) Campus interviews scheduled according to website -?Which website? http://psych.ubc.ca/ - click on "Events", job talks (and candidate names) are listed
University of California, Berkeley (Assistant Professor in Cognition / Computational Cognitive Science; job ad; deadline 11/15)
University of California, Irvine (see posting under Educational/School)
University of California, Irvine (see posting under Educational/School)
University of California, Riverside (see posting under Educational Psychology)
University of Denver (Assistant Professor, Affective Science; job ad; deadline 10/1) Video interview requested 11/2 x2
University of East Anglia, UK (5 Positions at All Levels, job ad; deadline 01/23/2017)
University of Findlay (Assistant Professor, Cognitive; job ad; review begins 9/30)
University of Hawaii at Manoa (see posting under Social) Skype interview 12/1 Campus interview request 12/14
University of Mary Washington (Assistant Professor of Psychology, Cognitive or closely related area; job ad; deadline 10/14),'moved to next stage of review' notification 10/27; campus interview invite 11/15
University of Michigan (see posting under Neuroscience)
Université de Montréal (see posting under Neuroscience)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Assistant/Associate professor in Cognitive Psychology; deadline 10/14) Skype interview invite 10/30, rejection notification 1/6 x 3, campus interview invite, rejection notification 2/17; position filled
University of Northern Iowa (Assistant Professor in Cognitive/Experimental Psychology; deadline 10/7) On campus interview 12/6; rejection notification 1/12
University of Notre Dame (Associate or Full Professor, Cognition Brain & Behavior; deadline 10/31) Campus interview invite, 12/12
University of Oregon (Assistant Professor in Cognitive Neuroscience; review begins 10/15) Campus interview invite, 10/21
University of Richmond (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Science with an emphasis on Language; review begins 9/15) Campus interview invite, 10/17 x2; position filled
University of Texas at Dallas (Open Rank Position in Psychological Sciences; job ad; review begins 12/1) campus interview invites sent
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (Open rank Experimental Psychology with interest in being Associate Chair; deadline November 15, 2016); job ad Campus interviews held 1/12
University of Toronto (see posting under Neuroscience)
University of Virginia (Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Cognitive Psychology; job ad; review begins 10/14) Additional information requested, 11/1 x3; campus interview invite 12/15
University of Warwick, UK (Assistant Professor, Language; job ad; deadline 10/30) Short-list rejections notified 11/18
University of Wisconsin-River Falls (see posting under Neuroscience)
Washington State University (see Human stress and resilience tenure-track posting under Open Area)
York University (see posting under Developmental)
York University (see posting under Neuroscience)
Adelphi University (Assistant/Associate Professor, social development, cultural, cross-cultural, or ethnic-specific psychology; review begins 9/23) Phone Interviews Scheduled 11/28 & 11/29
American University in Cairo (Tenure track position Assistant/Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology; job ad)
Auburn University (Professor & Head, Department of Human Development & Family Studies, review begins 12/1)
Auburn University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Infancy, Early childhood, and/or Middle childhood social-emotional and/or social-cognitive development; review begins 10/1) Skype interview request 10/20 x2; Campus Interview Invite 10/28
Auburn University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Adult relationships; review begins 10/1) Skype interview request 10/20; Position Filled
Baruch College, CUNY (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology) Rejection 1/13; phone interview 1/19; campus interview invite 1/31; position filled
Bogazici University (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately)
Brigham Young University (Professor, Human Development , Family Studies, and Marriage and Family Therapy; 2 positions; review begins 9/16)
Bucknell University (Open Rank Position in Cognitive or Perceptual Development; review begins 9/15) Phone Interview Requested 10/18 x2, Campus interview invite 11/4, Offer Accepted 1/20/17
Cardiff University, School of Psychology (UK) (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader/Professor; deadline 12/31)
(The) Catholic University of America (Assistant Professor, Human Development; review begins 10/20) Phone interview 11/19; Phone interview request 11/22, Rejection email 3/14 (position filled)
(The) College Of Idaho (Assistant Professor, Developmental or General Psychology; review begins 10/1) Campus interview invite 10/17; offer accepted 12/19
Columbia University, Teachers College (Associate/Full Professor, Applied Behavior Analysis; see ad under School/Educational)
Cornell University (Open Rank, Human Development; review begins 8/1) Campus interview invite 9/25; offer extended x2; offer declined
Cornell University (Open Rank, Social Networks and Human Development; review began 8/1) Campus interview invite for January on 10/21
Emory University (Open rank; Open area) (see posting under Open Area)
Fontbonne University (Assistant/Associate Professor; review begins immediately, apply by 10/12) Offer accepted 12/15
George Mason University (Assistant Professor, Applied Developmental Psychology; review begins 10/1) Phone interview request 10/19 x4; Campus interview invite 11/2 x3; Offer extended; Offer Accepted
Georgia State University (Assistant Professor, Language and Literacy; review begins 10/15)
Hope College (Open rank with preference for Assistant, Developmental Psychology; review begins 10/7) Additional information requested 10/17; Campus interview invite 11/10; Rejection letter 11/15 x3 <- not formally a "rejection" yet, msg is we've moved forward, you are still in pool in case those interviews don't work out, we'll be in touch; Offer accepted 12/23
Howard University Assistant Professor (tenure track), Cognitive Psychology (see posting under Cognitive)
Kansas State University (Assistant/Associate Professor; Family Science; ad no longer listed; review began 12/5) Phone interview request 12/7 x3; Campus interview invite 12/20
Kennesaw State University (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology); review begins 11/15) Phone interview request 11/21; on-campus interview request 12/22; Rejection letter stating position filled 3/21
Lake Forest College (see posting under Open) Phone interview 10/2; offer extended
Loyola University Chicago (Assistant Professor; Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience in Psychology; review begins 10/15) Campus interview
Michigan State University (Assistant Professor, Human Development & Family Studies; deadline 9/15) Position Filled
Montclair State University (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology; review begins immediately) Phone interview requested; Campus invite 11/3; Offer extended 12/19
Montclair State University (Assistant Professor, Family Studies & Human Development; job ad; review beings immediately) Rejection 1/13
Mount Allison University (Two term positions for 2017/18; one teaching post doc, one assistant professor level) - interviews underway
Murray State University (Assistant Professor of Clinical/Counseling or Developmental Psychology; deadline 10/3) Phone interviews completed; on campus interviews completed; job offer accepted January 2017
New York University (Open Rank Position in Development; deadline 10/1) Campus interview invite 11/5; Offer extended Offer accepted
Northwestern College (Open rank position with preference for Developmental; deadline November)
Northwestern University (see posting under Neuroscience)
Old Dominion University (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology; review begins 10/1) Phone interview request 10/17 x3
Ouachita Baptist University (Assistant Professor, Child Development or Experimental Psychology; review begins 12/1)
Pace University-NYC (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology; job ad; applications received by 3/15/17 guaranteed consideration) Phone interview request 3/10
(The) Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (Technical Director; job ad) Open interviews starting 11/2016-01/2017
(The) Pennsylvania State University (Open Rank Position in Child Maltreatment in the Department of Psychology; job ad)
(The) Pennsylvania State University - York (Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies; review begins 9/30) Phone interview request 10/14; on-campus interview requested 10/28
(The) Pennsylvania State University - University Park (Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies; review begins 10/15) Rejection 2/21
Portland State University (2 Assistant Professor positions, Developmental Psychology/Human Development; review begins 11/1) Skype interview request 12/17 x2
Purdue University (Open Rank Position in Autism and Family/Developmental Processes; review begins 10/3) Campus interview invite 10/18 Position Filled
Purdue University (Assistant/Associate Profesor in Speech Language Pathology; deadline 10/21) Skype interview request 10/26 x2; Campus interview invite 11/2; Rejection 11/4
Queens College, City University of New York (Assistant Professor in Developmental Psychology; job ad; review begins 2/7/17); phone interview request 3/2; on-campus interview invite
Roanoke College (Two tenure-track positions, one in developmental and one in social; review begins 12/15) For both the social and developmental 12/16 received email "that they will begin reviewing the applications the second week of January"; request for additional material and notification of being on the short list for interview 1/3 x3; rejection 2/8
San Jose State University (Assistant Professor, Child & Adolescent Development; review begins 10/3) Phone interview request 10/19, 10/20 x3, campus interview invite 11/2, 11/8
Santa Clara University (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology; review begins 11/1) Phone interview request 11/16 x3; campus invite 12/8
St. Bonaventure University (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology; deadline 12/15) Phone interview request 12/22 x3; Search suspended 1/31, position may re-open later
St. Lawrence University (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology; deadline 12/1) Short list 1/18/17; campus invites sent 2/7/17
Stanford University (see posting under Open Area)
Stony Brook University (see posting under Cognitive)
SUNY Oneonta (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology; job ad; rolling review) Phone interview request 1/26; phone interview 2/8; Campus invite 2/15
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (State University of Morelos, Mexico) (see posting under Cognitive)
University of Alabama (Assistant Professor, Educational Neuroscience) (see posting under Neuro)
University of Arkansas (Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Studies; review begins 10/1) Position Filled
University of Arkansas (Assistant/Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education/Birth-Kindergarten; review begins 10/1)
University at Buffalo (Assistant/Associate Professor in Communicative Disorders and Sciences or closely related area; review begins 11/1; job ad removed from HigherEdJobs on 8/21)
University of California, Berkeley (Parenting Program Director at the Greater Good Science Center; job ad; review begins 2/1)
University of California, Davis (Assistant Professor, Human Development; review begins 9/20)
University of California, Davis (Professor, Nutrition & Human Development; review begins 10/16)
University of California, Irvine (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Development; review begins 12/1); offer extended; rejection 3/14
University of California, Irvine (see posting under Educational/School) Campus invite 12/16; Rejection 4/18
University of California, Irvine (see posting under Educational/School)
University of California, Santa Cruz (Professor, Developmental Psychology; review begins 10/3) Rejection letter stating offer made 12/7 x2
University of Canterbury, NZ (Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology; deadline 9/21) Rejection letter sent 10/30
University of Colorado, Denver (Assistant Professor, Education & Human Development; job ad; open deadline) Rejection email received 2/7
University of Delaware (Assistant Professor with a Specialization in at-Risk Families and Their Communities; job ad; review begins 2/20) Skype interview request 3/3
University of Denver (Assistant Professor, Stress, Early Experience and Development; deadline 10/1) Video interview request 10/26; campus invite 12/1
University of Houston-Clear Lake (Assistant Professor in Developmental Psychology, open area; review begins 12/1) Offer accepted
University of Illinois at Chicago (see posting under Educational/School)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Assoc/Assist. Prof of Social-Emotional Development, Educ Psych, College of Education; deadline 12/1) Phone interview on 12/03, campus invite 12/6, offer accepted
University of Iowa (Assistant Professor, Developmental Science; deadline 10/10) Campus interview invite 11/2
University of Michigan (see posting under Neuroscience)
University of New Orleans (Assistant Professor, Biological Bases of Psychopathology/Developmental Psychopathology, 2 positions; job ad; review begins 3/1) Campus interview invite 3/7 x2
University of Nevada, Reno (Assistant or Associate Professor, Child Development & Family Studies; deadline 11/1) Phone interview request 12/13 x2, campus invite
University of North Carolina Greensboro (Assistant or Associate Professor, Human Development & Family Studies) Video interview request 1/25, Campus interview invite 2/11
University of Pittsburgh (Assistant Professor; deadline 10/15) Campus interview request 11/12; offer made
University of Rochester (Assistant Professor in Developmental Psychology; deadline 10/15); offer extended and accepted**
University of St. Francis (see posting under Social Psychology)
University of Tampa (Assistant Professor of Psychology (Clinical); job ad; deadline 2/11)
University of Tennessee at Knoxville (Open Rank Position in Child and Family Studies; deadline 11/1)
University of Texas at Austin (see posting under social)
University of Texas at Dallas (Open Rank Position in Psychological Sciences; review begins 12/1) Campus interview invites sent
University of Toronto (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology; deadline 12/12) Campus interview invite 1/18; Offer extended and accepted
University of Toronto Mississauga (Assistant Professor in Developmental Psychology; deadline 10/3) Campus interview invite 10/26 x3
University of Toronto Scarborough (Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream in Developmental Psychology; deadline 10/13) Rejection letter 2/23
University of Toronto Scarborough (Assistant Professor, Tenure Stream in Developmental Psychology; deadline 10/13) Campus interview invite 10/27 x2; Offer accepted
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Assistant Professor in Vulnerable and Underserved Young Children; deadline 9/15) Skype interview request 10/11; campus interview request
University of Wisconsin-Platteville (Assistant Professor, Developmental/Experimental Psychology; deadline 10/1) Skype interview request 10/12 x2; Search closed, offer accepted
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (Tenure-Track Assistant Professor; deadline 11/21) 12/13 received email asking to confirm interest in the position, interview list is anticipated to be finalized by end of December, interviews to take place Jan/Feb; 1/13 campus interview invite, 1/17 campus interview invite; Offer accepted
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg (Assistant Professor, Human Development; deadline 12/1) Skype interview request 1/12
Weber State University (Assistant Professor; review begins 10/1) Phone interview request 10/3; Campus interview request 10/10 x2; 11/28 sounds like an offer was made and accepted - received rejection email
Washington State University (see Human stress and resilience tenure-track posting under Open Area)
West Chester University (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology; review begins 10/3) Phone interview requested 10/27 x2; Campus interview invite 11/9
Western Connecticut State University (Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology; review begins 9/16) Rejection letter 10/24; Phone interview request 10/19
Yale-NUS College (Assistant Professor; review begins 10/31) Skype interview offered 11/15; in-person interview offered 12/9
York University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Developmental Science; deadline 11/1) Campus interview invite 12/21
York University (see posting under Clinical & Counseling)
Arizona State University (Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology; Application due by 10/3) Invited for campus interview 11/9/16; Rejection email 2/13
Caldwell University (Assistant Professor of Psychology, School Counseling; job ad; review begins immediately)
Central College (see posting under Counseling/Clinical)
Chapman University (Southern California, Orange County) (Assistant/Associate Professor, School Psychology) **Phone Interview invite 1/5
Clemson University (Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology; Application due by 11/1)
College of William and Mary (Assistant Professor, School Psychology; job ad; review begins 11/15) Skype Interview invite 12/8; rejection email 1/9
Columbia University, Teachers College (Open Rank, Cognitive Science in Education; job ad; review begins 12/8)
Columbia University, Teachers College (Assistant/Associate Professor, School Psychology; job ad; review begins 12/15)
Columbia University, Teachers College (Associate/Full Professor, Applied Behavior Analysis; job ad; review begins 11/15)
East Carolina University (Open Rank, Pediatric School Psychology or Pediatric Psychology; job ad; review begins 9/15) Campus interview invite 10/24 x 2
Florida State University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Combined Counseling-School program, School Psychology emphasis; deadline 10/31) Rejection email 1/13/17; Offer accepted 1/20
Francis Marion University (Assistant Professor of School Psychology; job ad; open until filled)
Georgia State University (Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology; Application due by 10/1) Invited for phone interview 11/4; Campus interview invite 11/21
George Mason University (Assistant Professor, School Psychology; research area open); job ad; Review begins 12/05/16 but Open until Filled) IS THIS JAMES MADISON UNIV, NOT GEORGE MASON UNIV??
Georgetown University (Postdoc in Educational neuroscience/reasoning; job ad; open until filled )
Governors State University (Assistant Professor of School Psychology; seeking Program Coordinator; job ad; open until filled)
Harvard University - University of Michigan Postdoctoral Fellowships (2 positions): focus on adolescent development and quantitative methods; Harvard ad job ad University of Michigan ad job ad deadline: March 31, 2017 Positions filled 5/1/17
Humboldt State University (Open Rank, School Psychology; job ad; deadline 10/3)
Iowa State University (Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology/Learning Sciences; Application due by 10/1) Skype interview invite 11/28; Invited for campus interview 12/12
Kean University (Assistant Professor, doctorate degree in clinical, school or combined school and clinical psychology is required; job ad; review begins 01/11/17)
Lake Forest College (see posting under Open) phone interview 10/2
Loyola University-Chicago (School Psychology; review begins 11/15) Invited for Skype interview 11/30; *On-site interview 12/16; Offer made and accepted
Marquette University (Assistant Professor; Statistician and Research Methodologist; review begins 11/20) offer accepted
McGill University (See Mental Health posting (tenure-track) under Clinical/Counselling)
McGill University (See Indigenous Psychology within the Canadian Context posting (tenure-track) under Other)
Miami University (School Psychology; open until filled) Phone Interview Invite 10/25; Notification position was filled 1/30
Monmouth College (see posting under social)
Montclair State University (Open Rank, School or Clinical Child Psychology; review begins 10/15) Phone interview invite 10/25
Murray State University (School Psychology; deadline 10/15) Phone interview invite 11/18; On-site interview invite 11/28; Position Filled 3/1
New Mexico Tech (Assistant Professor of Education; job ad; Review begins 2/1)
New York University (see posting under Developmental)
Pittsburgh State University (Assistant Professor, School Psychology; review begins 11/15) Permission to contact references 12/5
Rhodes College (Assistant Professor of Psychology/Educational Psychologist; deadline 10/1) Invited for Skype interview 10/17; Rejection 1/13
Rowan University (Assistant Professor; review begins 11/15; Phone Interview invite 11/29; Campus Interview Invite 12/13; Email stating position was filled 2/21
San Diego State University (Assistant Professor, School Psychology; deadline 10/1; January or Fall 2017 start) Skype Interview Request; Campus invite 10/27 x2; Email stating still looking, will re-post position this summer
Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (Assistant Professor, School Psychology) Phone interview invite on 12/5; Campus interview invite 12/15; Email stating position was filled 2/15
Tennessee State University (Assistant Professor, School Psychology; deadline 11/5) Phone interview invite on 11/15 x8; reference checks made 12/13 x3; campus invite 1/11, 1/12
Texas A&M University (Assistant/Associate Professor, School Psychology)
Texas A&M University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Learning Sciences, Cognition , Creativity, Instruction and Development) Skype interview on 11/23, campus invite for January on 12/01, offer made 2/17
Texas Woman's University (see posting under Clinical) Phone interview invite on 10/27x2; Campus interview invite 11/16 x2; Offer made 1/17; Offer accepted 1/31
Towson University (Assistant Professor, School Psychology) Offer Accepted 12/27
University of Alabama (Assistant/Assoc/Full Professor, School Psychology; Department Chair sought; review begins 10/1)
University of Alabama (Assistant Professor, Educational Neuroscience) (see posting under Neuro)
University of Alberta (Assistant Professor, School Psychology; review begins 11/1)
University of California, Irvine (Assistant or Associate Professor, Education; review begins 11/9) campus invite 12/16
University of California, Irvine (Midcareer Professor Hiring Initiative - Multiple Positions, Education; review begins 11/9)
University of California, Riverside (Open rank, Cluster hire in STEM Teaching and Learning; review begins 11/14) Phone interview request 12/13; campus invite 1/12
University of Detroit Mercy (Assistant Professor, School Psychology, review begins immediately) Campus Invite 2/4; Offer made 3/10; Offer accepted 3/30
University of Georgia (Assistant Professor in the School Psychology area within the Department of Educational Psychology; review begins 10/15) Phone interview invite 10/18
University of Houston-Clear Lakes (Assistant Professor in the School Psychology area; review begins 12/15) offer accepted
University of Illinois at Chicago (Assistant Professor in Human Development and Learning; deadline 11/28)
*University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign** due on 12.01 (Assoc/Assist. Prof of Social-Emotional Development, Educ Psych, College of Education) Phone interview on 12/03; campus invite 12/6, offer accepted
University of Massachusetts-Boston (Assistant Professor, School Psychology; review begins 12/1) Phone interview requested 12/20 x3; on-site invite 1/20
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Assistant Professor, School Psychology; review begins 10/24)
University of Northern Colorado (Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology; application due by 10/1) Skype interview invite 11/18; Invited for campus interview 12/9
University of Northern Iowa (Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology; deadline 10/21)
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (Assistant Professor, School Psychology; application due by 10/24) Invited for phone interview 11/27, 11/16; Invited for campus interview 12/4; offer extended 2/9; offer accepted 2/12
University of North Texas (Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology - Family Science Specialization; deadline 11/14) Invited for phone interview 12/2; Invited for campus interview 1/23
University of South Carolina (Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology; application due by 10/16) Invited for phone interview 11/11 x2; Invited for campus interview 12/1 x3; Offer extended 1/30
University of Tennessee at Knoxville (Assistant/Associate Professor in Child and Family Studies; deadline 10/15) Campus interview x5
University of Toledo (Assistant Professor, School Psychology; review begins immediately until filled) Skype interview request; Campus Invite 10/27
University of Western Ontario (Professor Open-Rank [Assistant/Associate/Full], School and Applied Child Psychology; deadline 3/31) job ad
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point (see posting under Clinical and Counseling)
Utah State University (Assistant/Associate Professor, School Psychology) Phone interview invite 9/23; Rejection 3/3
Valparaiso University (Assistant Professor, School Psychology; open until filled) Phone interview invite on 10/24; Campus interview invite 11/21; Offer extended 12/28; Offer accepted 12/29
Washington State University (job ad; deadline 1/20, open until filled)
Western Texas A&M (Assistant Professor, School Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately)
Winthrop University (Assistant or Associate Professor, School Psychology; deadline 11/9) Letter stating position was filled 2/10
Auburn University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Health Disparities; deadline 9/15)
Birkbeck University of London (Professor or Reader in Health Psychology; deadline 12/1)
California State University, Los Angeles (Assistant Professor, Health Psychology; review begins 9/19) Phone interview 11/18; campus invite 12/7; offer extended and accepted
Cardiff University, School of Psychology (United Kingdom) (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader/Professor; deadline 12/31)
Carleton College (Visiting Assistant Professor, Health and Neuroscience; job ad; review begins 3/15)
Carleton University (Assistant Professor, Health Psychology; review begins 11/30)
Central College (see posting under Counseling/Clinical)
Chapman University (Southern California, Orange County) (Assistant Professor, Health Psychology; review begins 10/13) Skype interview offered 10/17; On-campus interview offered 10/21; Rejection (no interview) 10/21
Chapman University (Southern California, Orange County) (Assistant Professor, Computational Health Psychology; review begins 10/13) Phone Interviews Scheduled for Oct 22 x2; Rejection 11/14 x2
Dickinson College (Assistant Professor, Health Psychology; review begins 10/15) Offer accepted
Dixie State University (Assistant Professor, Health Psychology; review begins 10/3) Request for Skype interview 11/23 x3; Campus Interview Invite 12/16 x3; reference request 2/2
East Carolina University (see posting under Educational/School]
Hamilton College (Assistant Professor, Applied Psychology; review begins 10/7) Skype interview request 11/3 x4; Campus interview request 11/18; rejection stating candidate was hired
Hunter College, CUNY (Open Rank, Health Psychology; joint appointment with the Center for HIV Educational Studies & Training (CHEST); review begins 11/14)
Hofstra University (see posting under Social)
Howard University (see posting under Neuroscience)
Lake Forest College (see posting under Open) Phone interview 10/2
Marist College (Assistant Professor, Social or Health Psychology; job ad; rolling review) Phone interview request 9/20, 10/26; Skype interview request 12/19; campus interview request 10/21, 12/28
Moravian College (Assistant Professor, Health Psychology; review begins 10/1) Campus interview invite 10/25; Email on 12/14/16 that the search was closed
Ohio University (2 positions: Assistant Professor of Experimental Health Psychology; Assistant Professor of Clinical Health Psychology; both deadlines 10/15) Skype interview offered 10/26; campus interview invite 11/4 for experimental health position
Old Dominion University (Two positions: (1) Open Rank Professor, Track Director of MPH Program; deadline 11/15; (2) Assistant Professor in Public Health, Social/Behavioral Science; deadline 11/1)
Oregon State University (Assistant Professor, Health Psychology; review begins 11/18) Skype interview request 12/9 x2; offer accepted
Rutgers University, New Brunswick (see posting under Social Psychology)
Saint Catherine University (Assistant Professor, Health/Community Psychology; deadline 12/15) Written interview extended 12/23 x3; Skype interview request 1/23
Southern Methodist University (Assistant Professor, Health; deadline 10/3) Video interview request 10/21; campus interview invite 11/8
Southern Oregon University (Assistant Professor, Health Psychology; deadline 12/1) Skype interview request 12/27; campus interview request 1/17
Stetson University (see posting under Clinical & Counseling)
Tennessee Technological University (Assistant Professor, Social/Health Psychology; job ad; Update new review begins 11/1; start date changed from January 2017 to August 2017)
The University of Auckland (Assistant Professor, Lecturer in Psychology (x2 positions); job ad; deadline 13/02)
The University of Auckland (Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Health Psychology; job ad; deadline 19/03)
University of Alabama (see posting under Clinical & Counseling)
University of British Columbia (Assistant Professor Health Psychology; deadline 10/1)
University of California, Irvine (Assistant/Associate Professor, Psychology and Salivary Bioscience; deadline 10/15) Campus interview invite 10/28
University of California, Merced (Assistant/Associate/Full Professors in Human Health Sciences; deadline 12/1) Long-list notification 1/12; Campus interview invite 1/20
University of Dundee (Scotland, UK) (Chair (full professorship) / Reader; Mental Health across Lifespan); job ad; Application deadline: 17th May 2017
University of Houston-Clear Lake (see posting under Clinical & Counseling)
University of Leeds, UK (Chair in Behaviour Change; deadline 10/25)
University of Nevada, Reno (Assistant Professor, Health Administration and Policy/Social Psychology; deadline 11/28)
University of Richmond (Assistant Professor, Health Psychology; search continuing, new job ad posted rolling review beginning 2/27; job ad) Campus invites have been extended
University of South Carolina (Assistant Professor, Clinical-Community; review begins 11/21)
University of Texas at Austin (see posting under social)
University of Toronto Mississauga (Assistant Professor, Social, Personality, or Health Psychology; deadline 9/15) Campus interview invite 10/12
University of Wisconsin, Parkside (Assistant Professor, Health Psychology; deadline 9/30)
University of Virginia (Tenure-eligible open rank Faculty position in the Center for Behavioral Health and Technology job ad; posted 4/25, open until filled)
Virginia Commonwealth University (Assistant Professor job ad; posted 12/13, open until filled)
Washington State University (see Human stress and resilience tenure-track posting under Open Area)
Weber State University (Assistant Professor, Community or Health Psychology; review begins 10/15) Phone interview request 10/20 x5, Campus interview invite 10/28 x2, 11/28; Rejection email 11/1; Offer made 1/24, Offer accepted
Xavier University (Assistant Professor, Health Psychology; job ad; deadline 1/1)
I/O, Human Factors, Engineering Psychology
Ball State University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology or Social Neuroscience or I/O; review begins 10/28)
Butler University (Assistant Professor, I-O or other applied; review begins 9/30) Phone interview 10/28 x2; position filled
California State University, Long Beach (Assistant Professor, Human Factors, Human-Computer Interaction; review begins 10/6)
Drew University (Assistant Professor; job ad; deadline 1/15)
Hamilton College (see posting under Health)
Lake Forest College (see posting under Open)
Louisiana State University (Assistant/Associate Professor, I/O Psychology; review begins 11/10)
Marshall University (Assistant/Associate Professor; I/O, Community, or Social Psychology; job ad; listing posted 3/22; rolling reviews begin immediately)
Missouri Western State University (job ad; until filled)
Monmouth College (see posting under social)
New Mexico State University (Assistant Professor, Engineering Psychology/Human Factors; deadline 11/1) Campus invite 11/15 x2
North Carolina State University (Tenure-track Assistant Professor, I-O Psychology; review begins 10/31) Campus invite 11/9
Ohio University (Assistant Professor, I-O Psychology; deadline 10/15)
Old Dominion University (Open Rank, I/O Psychology; review begins 10/1) Rejection letter 10/22
Old Dominion University (Open Rank, Human Factors Psychology; review begins 10/1) Campus invite 11/7
Olin College of Engineering (Open Rank, 2 positions: Open Search and Entrepreneurship; review begins 10/1)
Rice University (Assistant Professors, I/O Psychology; review begins 11/15)
Ripon College (Two Assistant Professors, I/O or other relevant field; review begins 11/1)
Rowan University (Assistant Professor; review begins 11/15) Phone interview invite 11/29
Southern Connecticut State University (Assistant Professor, I/O/Human Factors Psychology; deadline 11/30)
University of Hartford (Assistant Professor, I/O Psychology; job ad; deadline 1/30) Skype Interview 2/14
University of Minnesota Duluth (Two Assistant Professor positions, one in I/O Psychology and the second in I/O or Social Psychology; review begins 11/1)
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (Assistant Professor, I-O Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately)
Valdosta State University (Assistant Professor, I/O Psychology; job ad; review begins 1/9)
Virginia Tech (Assistant Professor, I-O Psychology; review begins 11/1)
Wichita State University (Open Rank, Human Factors Psychology - specializing in aging; [https://jobs.wichita.edu/postings/10563]; review begins 04/10)
Wichita State University (Assistant Professor, Human Factors Psychology; [https://jobs.wichita.edu/postings/10623]; review begins 04/19)
Many neuroscience jobs are associated with more than one field (e.g., behavioral, cognitive, or social neuroscience). If the ad explicitly indicates that the job is a neuroscience position (e.g., they are seeking someone who does fMRI), then post it in this section and cross-reference it under any related fields (see instructions for details).
Amherst College (Amherst, MA) (Focus on neuroscience using human subjects; deadline 9/15) Phone interview invite 10/4; Campus interview invite 10/19; Offer accepted
Ball State University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology or Social Neuroscience or I/O; review begins 10/28)
Bates College (Lewiston, ME) (Assistant Professor, Theoretical Neuroscience; deadline 9/15) Phone interview invite 10/3; Campus interview early November; offer accepted 12/16
Belmont University (Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Neuroscience; review begins 11/14) Phone interview request 11/28
Bethel University (Assistant Professor; deadline 10/15)
Bogazici University (Assistant Professor, Neuroscience or Biopsychology; job ad; review begins immediately)
Boston University (2 positions: Assistant & Associate Professor, Systems Neuroscience; deadline 11/1)
Brazilian University- Rio de Janeiro - (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio) - Visiting Faculty Position in Behavioral Neuroscience (Click here for more information)
Cardiff University, School of Psychology (United Kingdom) (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader/Professor; deadline 12/31/16)
Carleton College (Visiting Assistant Professor, Health and Neuroscience; job ad; review begins 3/15)
Dartmouth College (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience; review begins 10/1) Short-list candidates notified 10/11; Campus interview scheduled 10/28
Duke University (Assistant Professor, Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience; job ad; deadline 1/15/2016) Rejection letter 4/18/17
Eastern Kentucky University, Department of Psychology (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Psychology or Cognitive Neuroscience; review begins 11/17) Position filled
Elmhurst College (Assistant Professor, Cognitive or Biopsychology; deadline 10/14) Position filled
Emory University (Open rank; Open area) (see posting under Open Area)
Georgia Institute of Technology (Assistant or Associate Professor, Neuroscience; deadline 11/14) Campus interview invite, 12/12
Georgetown University (Postdoc in Educational neuroscience/reasoning; job ad; open until filled )
Harvard Graduate School of Education (Open Rank, Science of Learning and Behavior; review begins 11/15)
Howard University (Assistant Professor, Neuropsychology job ad; review begins 4/1)
Johns Hopkins University (Open Rank, Systems Neuroscience, Mind Brain Institute; deadline 12/1)
Kansas State University (Assistant Professor, Behavioral Neuroscience, (job ad; review begins 2/15)
Lake Forest College (see posting under Open) Phone interview 10/2
Louisiana State University (see posting under Cognitive)
Loyola University Chicago (Assistant Professor, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience in Psychology; see posting under Developmental)
Loyola University New Orleans (Assistant Professor, Behavioral Neuroscience; review begins 10/21) Phone interview scheduled 10/27; campus invite extended 11/10; Position Filled
Longwood University (Assistant Professor of Psychology, Experimental Neuropsychology; job ad; Invitations to phone interview extended 9/29; still accepting applications)
Macalester College (St Paul, MN) (One year Visiting Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience, review begins 2/15/17; contact Eric Wiertelak at ude.retselacam|kaletreiw#ude.retselacam|kaletreiw for job details)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Assistant Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences; deadline 10/31) Skype interview
McGill University (Assistant Professor in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders: acquired neurogenic communication disorders; review begins 11/15)
Morgan State University (Assistant Professor of Psychology; Behavioral Neuroscience, Biopsychology, or related field with emphasis on animal research; job ad; open until filled; materials requested by 3/3) Skype & phone interview invite 4/15/17
Mount St. Mary's University (Emmitsburg, MD) (Assistant Professor, Behavioral Neuroscience/Biopsychology; review begins 9/1) Phone interview extended 9/26; Campus interview invite 10/19
Mount Holyoke College (South Hadley, MA) (Assistant Professor, Neurobiology; deadline 9/12) Skype interview 10/19
Northern Arizona University (Assistant Professor, Psychological Sciences, Human Neuroscience or closely related field; preference will be given to candidates with expertise in the areas of stress, emotion, and/or health; review begins 10/20) Rejection letter 10/27; campus interview invites x3; phone interview 1/18
Northwestern University (Assistant Professor, Human Neuroscience; Affective, Social, Developmental, and/or Cognitive Neuroscience; deadline 10/15) Campus interview invite extended 11/18
Oklahoma State University (Biological bases of behavior, broadly defined; see posting under Other) Offer accepted
Purdue University Northwest (Assistant Professor of Psychology job ad; open until filled) Phone interview invite 1/20 x2
Queen’s University (Assistant Professor, Computational Neuroeconomics); job ad; deadline 02/15/17)
Randolph-Macon College (Assistant Professor, Behavioral Neuroscience); review begins 10/15) Skype interview scheduled 10/17 x2; campus interview invite extended 10/25
Ripon College (Assistant or Associate Professor, Behavioral Neuroscience or Neuropsychology; review begins 10/1) Skype Interview requested 10/30
Roosevelt University (Assistant Professor of Neuropsychology; job ad; review begins 12/15) Request for letters of recommendation 12/15
Rutgers University, New Brunswick (see posting under Social Psychology) Interviews underway
St Mary's College of Maryland (Biological Psychology/Behavioral Neuroscience; 2 tenure-track positions) Phone interview request 10/21; Campus visit request 11/1; Positions Filled
St. Norbert College ** POSTED 5/31/2017 (Visiting Assistant Professor with expertise in cognition, but additional expertise in physiological psychology or neuroscience is preferred, up to 3 years; job ad; review begins immediately; applications will be screened as they arrive.)
Santa Clara University (Santa Clara, CA) (Assistant Professor, Behavioral or Cognitive Neuroscience; deadline 10/1) Phone Interview requested 10/11 x2; Campus visit request 10/28; Position filled
Stanford University (see posting under Open Area)
Temple University (Assistant Professor, Cognitive/Cognitive Neuroscience; review begins 10/14) Campus Interview request 11/29
Texas A&M University (Open Rank, Affective Neuroscience; deadline 10/15) Campus interview invite 11/3
Texas Christian University (Assistant Professor, Behavioral Neuroscience; deadline 11/1) Campus invite extended, 11/8; offer received 12/8; offer accepted 1/4
Union College (NY) (Assistant or Associate Professor, Neuroscience; deadline 11/15) Skype interview request 1/6; campus interview request 2/1 x2
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (State University of Morelos, Mexico) (website; open until filled)
University of Alabama (Assistant Professor, Educational Neuroscience; open until filled) Skype interview request 10/10 x2; Campus interview invite 10/24; Offer extended 2/13; Offer accepted 2/22
University of Alberta, Canada (Assistant Professor, Social Neuroscience; deadline 12/16) Campus invite extended 2/16
University of Arkansas (Assistant Professor, Cognitive/Cognitive Neuroscience; deadline 11/14)
University of Bath, UK (Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience; job ad; deadline 1/31/17)
University of Calgary (Canada Research Chair Tier II in Adult Clinical Neuropsychology; deadline 10/31)
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (Assistant Professor, Neuroscience; deadline 10/1) Rejection letter received 1/5
University of Dundee, Scotland, UK (see posting under Health)
University of East Anglia, UK (5 positions, Open rank; Open area; deadline 01/23/2017) (see posting under Cognitive)
University of Hawaii at Manoa (Assistant Professor in Clinical Neuroscience; review begins 11/22) Search cancelled, position re-advertised
University of Hawaii at Manoa (Re-advertised Ad: Assistant Professor; job ad; review begins 1/27/17)
University of Houston-Clear Lake (Assistant Professor in Behavioral or Cognitive Neuroscience, Learning; review begins 12/1) Phone interview scheduled for 1/9
University of Louisville (Assistant Professor Tenure Track, Social, Affective, Cognitive Neuroscience; review begins 11/15) Short-List Contacted 12/8
University of Maryland (Neuroscientist/Advanced Assistant or Associate Professor; job ad) Campus interview invite 10/30
University of Massachusetts Boston (Social Neuroscience; see posting under Social/Personality Psychology)
University of Miami (Assistant Professor, Computational Neuroscience; review begins 10/15)
University of Michigan (Affective and Social Neuroscience; open area, open rank; deadline 9/15) Rejection Letter 12/2
University of Michigan (Open-Rank Faculty Position in Systems Neuroscience; deadline 9/30)
Université de Montréal (Assistant Professor, Human Social Neuroscience; deadline 11/17) Shortlist notified 12/22
Université de Montréal (Open Rank, Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience; deadline 11/17) Rejection Letter 02/20
University of New Orleans (see posting under Developmental)
University of Nevada, Reno (Cognitive Neuroscience; deadline 11/1) Skype interview request 11/14
University of Notre Dame (see posting under Cognitive)
University of Rochester (Open rank; job ad) Review started, scheduled Skype interview for June
University of St. Francis (see posting under Social Psychology)
University of Toronto (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience; job ad; review begins 7/28)
University of Utah (Assistant Professor in Cognitive Neuroscience; deadline 10/1) Phone interview extended 10/14, phone interview for 10/24, campus interview invite 10/29
University of Wisconsin-River Falls (Assistant Professor of Cognitive Psychology/Cognitive Neuroscience; review begins 10/10) Phone Interview Requested 10/26
Utah State University (Assistant/Associate Professor in Cognitive Neuroscience; job ad; deadline 1/23) phone interview request 1/31
Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, NY) (Assistant Professor, Behavioral Neuroscience; deadline 10/15) Video interview requested 11/28 x2; campus interview invite 12/8
Western Carolina University (Assistant Professor, General Experimental/Neurological Bases of Behavior job ad)
Western University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience; deadline 10/1) Request for recommendation letters 10/28; Campus interview invite 11/13
Whittier College (Assistant Professor, Neuroscience; review begins 10/15) Rejection letter received 11/8
York University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Visual Neuroscience: Neuroimaging; deadline 11/1)
York University (Assistant Professor, Computational Neuroscience; deadline 11/1)
Open Area
Arkansas State University (Tenure-track Assistant Professor - Position# F00588; deadline 11/26/16) Phone interview invite 2/2 x2
Bridgewater State University (Assistant or Associate Professor; review begins 9/15) Rejection Letter 10/24, Phone interview invite 10/25 x3, rejection letter 11/10 x5, Campus interview invite 11/14 x2, Offer made 12/19
Brigham Young University (Open rank, Psychology; deadline 9/6) In-person interview invite 10/18, Rejection Letter (after interview) 12/19
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (Assistant Professor of Psychology; open area, focus on multicultural psychology; review begins 10/17) Rejection letter 1/25
California State University San Marcos (Assistant Professor with expertise in teaching statistics, subfield of specialization is open; deadline 10/1) Position filled
Centenary College of Louisiana (Assistant Professor of Psychology - Open area, clinical/counseling/social preferred; will continue accepting applications after deadline see posting under Clinical/Counseling) Phone interview requested 1/9 any updates here? Offer accepted
(The) College Of Idaho (Assistant Professor, Developmental or General Psychology; review begins 10/1) Campus interview invite 10/17; offer accepted 12/19
Columbia College - Missouri (Assistant Professor of Psychology, Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Sensation and Perception, Statistics or any combination; review begins immediately)offer accepted
Columbus State University (Assistant Professor, Applied broadly defined such as clinical counseling legal forensic health I/O psychology; job ad; review begins immediately) Skype interview invite 11/8 x2; Invite for campus interview 11/18
Connecticut College (Assistant Professor; review begins 10/21) Phone interview 11/12 x5; campus interview invite 12/1 x2; offer made and accepted
Converse College (Assistant Professor; job ad; review begins 1/1) Skype interview invite 1/6; campus interview invite 1/17
Daemen College (Assistant Professor; review begins 10/15) Phone interview 11/21; Skype interview request 11/21
East Carolina University (Teaching Assistant Professor or Teaching Instructor; review begins 5/23); position filled
Eastern Oregon University (Assistant Professor of Psychology; job ad; review begins 1/15/17) Phone interview scheduled 03/23; campus interview invite 3/27
Emory University (Two open rank tenure-track positions; review begins 10/1)
Finlandia University (Assistant Professor; job ad; deadline 1/30) Skype interview invite 2/15
Florida Gulf Coast University (Assistant Professor; apply by 11/7) Phone interview 11/21; Campus interview requested 12/16
Fontbonne University (Assistant or Associate Professor; apply by 10/12)
Franklin Pierce University (Assistant Professor of Psychology; Experimental Psychology; job ad) Skype interview invite 12/13
Governors State University (Assistant Professor of Psychology; 2 positions; job ad; open area; open until filled) Phone interview invite 12/19; campus interview invite 1/27
Grinnell College (Assistant Professor of Psychology; open area; review begins 10/17) Phone interview invite 11/3 x5; campus interview invite 11/22 x2; rejection email 1/9
Hamilton College (see posting under Health)
Howard University Assistant Professor (tenure track), Cognitive Psychology (see posting under Cognitive)
Howard University Assistant Professor (tenure track), Neuropsychology (see posting under Neuroscience)
Howard University Assistant Professor (tenure track); Quantitative Psychology; review starts on a rolling basis from May 1 until filled; see posting under Quantitative
Humboldt State University (Assistant Professor; deadline 11/18) Application acknowledged 12/1; phone interview invite 2/16; campus interview invite 2/21
Hunter College, CUNY (Health Psychology and Center for HIV Educational Studies & Training (CHEST); see posting under Health Psychology)
Kennesaw State University (Assistant Professor, Open Area; review begins 11/15) Campus interview invite 12/21
Lake Forest College (Assistant Professor; Diversity Science; review begins 9/12) Phone interview 10/2
Loyola Marymount University (Assistant Professor; review begins 10/15) Campus visit invite 11/4/16, rejection email 1/18
Missouri Western State University (job site; until filled) Skype interview invite 10/12
Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Social Sciences; job site; review begins Jan 3 2017)
Monmouth College (see posting under social)
Nevada State College (Henderson) (Assistant Professor; deadline 11/7) Phone interview invites 12/9, 12/12 x7; Campus interview invite 12/16
The New School for Social Research (Assistant Professor; open until filled) Campus interview invite 10/18; offer extended 12/9
Oklahoma State University (Biological bases of behavior, broadly defined; see posting under Other) Phone interview invitation 10/18; Offer extended and accepted
Olin College of Engineering (Open Rank, Open Search; review begins 10/1)
Purdue University (Professor and Head of Psychological Sciences, open area; review begins 11/15) Offer accepted
Rutgers University, Camden (Open area; review begins 11/1) Skype interview invitation 11/22; Skype interview 2/3 x2; oncampus interview invite 2/4; offer accepted 3/3
Spring Hill College (Assistant Professor; deadline 10/17)
Southern Virginia University (Assistant Professor of Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately) Phone Interview 12/13; Rejection email 12/22
Stanford University (Open Rank Professor in Race/Diversity Science Psychology; deadline 10/31) Campus visit invitation; offer extended and accepted
Texas A&M, Corpus Christi (Assistant/Associate Professor of Psychology; review begins 10/15) Skype Interview 10/21 x3; Campus Interview Invite x2
Texas Woman's University (see posting under Clinical)
University of Calgary (Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Indigenous Psychology; deadline 10/15) Campus visit invitation 11/4; Rejection email 2/1
University of California, Merced (Assistant/Associate/Full Professors who study issues related to Inequality, Power, and Social Justice; closes 11/1) Email stating that reviews are underway sent 12/2; interview request 12/21
University of California, San Diego (Open Rank Professor, Biological Basis of Knowledge/Learning/Creativity Strategic Hire-Bio Focus, Joint Appointment in 2 departments (e.g. Psych & Bio); Associate/Full ad; review begins again 11/30)
University of Chicago Booth School of Business (Assistant or Associate Professor; Open area, review begins 10/17)
University of Connecticut (deadline 12/1; review begins immediately) Campus interview invitation 12/23, offer extended and accepted
University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Associate Professor or Professor with Special Responsibilities in Applied Psychology areas; job ad) Email naming the international search committee 10/28; update that assessment reports will be sent in January
University of Dundee, Scotland, UK (see posting under Health)
University of Hartford (Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Interest in either Cognitive, Biological, or Diversity; deadline 12/1) Skype Interview Request 12/12; campus interview invitation 1/9 Any news?
University of Houston-Downtown (Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Interest in Diversity, Inequality, or Social Justice; deadline 12/1) Phone interview invite 1/19 x3; campus interview invite 2/8; offer made and accepted
University of La Verne (2 Assistant/Associate Professor Positions in Clinical Psychology PsyD, MFT, or Undergraduate Psychology Programs; review begins 11/1) Phone interview request 11/22
University of Melbourne Australia (2x Lecturer, Tenure-Track; deadline Aug 7) Rejection letter received 10/4
University of Melbourne Australia (Associate Professor, Tenure-Track; deadline Aug 7)
University of Ottawa (Assistant Professor; deadline 12/15)
University of Pennsylvania (Affective Science; review begins 9/15) Rejection letter 11/3 x3
University of Pennsylvania (Social Behavior and Biology; review begins 9/15) Skype Interview 11/10 x2; Campus Interview Invite 11/29 x2
University of Texas at Dallas (Open Rank Position in Psychological Sciences; review begins 12/1) Campus interview invites sent
University of Washington, Tacoma (Assistant Professor in Social Science Research Methods; review begins 11/22) Phone interview invite 12/20 x4; Email saying search was paused "due to an unforeseen administration concern" but they anticipated moving forward in the coming weeks; Phone Interview Invite 3/6; Campus visits underway
University of West Florida (Psychology Department Chair, Associate or Full; job ad; review begins 4/21)
Virginia Commonwealth University (Multiple Positions; job ad; see links in ad) Skype Interview 10/31; Campus Invite 11/3
Virginia Commonwealth University (Assistant Professor job ad; posted 12/13, open until filled)
Virginia Military Institute (Assistant or Associate Professor of Psychology/Leadership; open area, specialization in leadership; review begins 10/1)
Washington State University (Assistant Professor with focus on human stress and resilience; review begins 12/15)
Washington University in St Louis (Advanced Assistant or Associate Professor, Diversity Science; review begins 9/15) Campus interview invite 10/30 x2; offer extended
William Paterson University in New Jersey (Two positions: Tenure-track Assistant Professor - Position# 704WPU; Tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor - Position# 703WPU; deadline 12/2) Phone Interview Request 12/14 - Job #704 x3; Campus Interview Scheduled 12/27
Yale-NUS College (Professor and Head of Studies, Psychology; job ad; review begins 1/16)
Arizona State University (Assistant Professor, Quantitative Psychology, Department of Psychology; review begins 12/3) Offer Accepted
Arizona State University (Assistant Professor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change—position is for teaching advanced statistical methods; deadline 11/7)
California State University Channel Islands (Assistant Professor in Quantitative Psychology; review begins 11/1) Phone interview 11/22; Campus Interview Scheduled; Received rejection letter 3/16
California State University, Sacramento (Assistant Professor of Quantitative Psychology; deadline 11/1) Skype interview requested 11/15; On Site Interview Scheduled
California State University San Marcos (Assistant Professor with expertise in teaching statistics, subfield of specialization is open; deadline 10/1) Position filled
Carleton University (Assistant Professor, Forensic and Quantitative Psychology; deadline 11/30) Campus interviews scheduled 1/12
Clemson University (Assistant Professor, Quantitative Psychology; review begins 12/15) Phone interviews conducted as of 2/2; 3 finalists invited to campus
Emory University (Assistant Professor; deadline 11/14)
Emory University (Lecturer, Statistics; deadline 11/30)
Emory University (Open-rank; Open-area) (see posting under Open Area)
Florida International University (Open Rank - junior/assistant level; Quantitative Psychology; deadline 11/14); Interview Requested; Offer Accepted 1/6
Florida International University (Open Rank – senior level; Quantitative Psychology; deadline 11/14) On-site Interview Conducted 1/18-1/19
Georgia Institute of Technology (Open rank; deadline 10/31)
Howard University Assistant Professor (tenure track); Quantitative Psychology; review starts on a rolling basis from May 1 until filled; job ad at Wiki and at APA PsycCareers
Lakehead University (Assistant or Associate, Criminology, Orillia campus; job ad; deadline 3/1)
London School of Economics and Political Science (Assistant Professor in Computational Social Science Methods, Methodology Department; job ad; deadline 8 March 2017) Campus interview requested 3/17
Marquette University (Assistant Professor; Statistician and Research Methodologist; review begins 11/20) Skype interviews requested 12/6; offer accepted
McGill University (Assistant Professor; deadline 9/20)
Michigan State University (Assistant or Associate Professor, Quantitative Psychology; deadline 10/10) Skype interview requested 10/18; Campus interview requested 10/31; rejection after campus interview 11/30
Michigan State University (see posting under Clinical)
National University of Singapore (Assistant Professor/Senior Lecturer/Lecturer; Quantitative/IO; deadline 10/14)
Ohio State University (Assistant/Associate Professor; review begins 11/14) QREM Skype interview requested 12/6
San Diego State University (Assistant Professor; deadline 10/1) Phone interview requested 10/10; Rejection Letter 10/29; Campus Interview Requested 10/31; email stating offer accepted 12/14
Stevens Institute of Technology (Assistant Professor, Comp. Social Science; job ad; review begins 1/10/17) Rejection 01/27
SUNY Oswego (Assistant Professor, with expertise in quantitative methods, subfield of specialization is open; deadline 10/15) Phone interview requested 10/26 x3; Rejection letter received 11/27, 11/28; Offer Accepted
University of California, Irvine (Teaching Professor, with ability to teach graduate-level statistics and research methods; deadline 11/1) *Campus interview requested 1/16*
University of California, Merced (Assistant Professor; deadline 11/28)
University of California, Merced (Open Rank; deadline 12/7)
University of Houston (Associate or Full Professor; job ad; rolling review starting 1/15/2017)
University of Houston (Assistant Professor; job ad; rolling review) Skype interview requested 10/3; Rejection letter 1/26
University of Maryland (Assistant Professor; Quantitative/Computational Psychologist; deadline 10/15) Shortlisted candidates notified
University of Maryland (Assistant Professor, with expertise in Measurement/Psychometrics; deadline 10/1)
University of Minnesota (Assistant Professor in Quantitative Methods in Education, Department of Educational Psychology job ad)
University of Notre Dame (Assistant Professor, Quantitative Psychology; deadline 10/31) Interview Requested; Offer Accepted
University of Southern California (Assistant Professor; screening starts 11/1) Campus Invites Extended
The University of Texas at Austin (Associate of Full Professor, Quantitative Methods, Department of Educational Psychology; job ad; review begins 2/27/17)
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (Open rank; deadline 11/15)
University of Virginia (Assistant Professor, Quantitative Psychology; screening starts 10/30) Skype interview requested 11/30; campus interview requested 12/16; campus interview Jan/2017 Offer accepted.
Adelphi University (see posting under Developmental)
Appalachian State University (Assistant Professor, Personality Psychology with preference for expertise in Judgment and Decision Making; review begins 12/1)
Ball State University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology or Social Neuroscience or I/O; review begins 10/28) Skype interview request 11/11 x2; Campus interview invite 12/16; Offer made and accepted 3/1
Bellevue University (Assistant Professor, Social or Health Psychology; job ad; review begins 2/28)
Bogazici University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately)
Bryn Mawr College (Visiting Assistant Professor, Social Psychology or other; job ad; review begins 4/3/17 and will continue until position is filled)
California State University, Long Beach (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 10/3) Phone Interview request; 2/17 position filled
California State University, Los Angeles (Assistant Professor, Multicultural/Urban Psychology; review begins 9/19) Phone interview request, 10/12 x3, Campus visit invite 11/4, 1/6, offer extended and accepted
Calvin College (Assistant Professor, Social or Clinical/Counseling; review begins 10/31) E-mail: position no longer open due to budgetary concerns, 11/4
Cardiff University, School of Psychology (United Kingdom) (Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Reader / Professor; deadline 12/31/16)
Centenary College of Louisiana (Assistant Professor of Psychology - Clinical/Counseling/Social; - will continue accepting applications after deadline see posting under Clinical/Counseling)
Chestnut Hill College (Assistant Professor, Social or Developmental Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately)
Colby College (Assistant Professor, Experimental Social Psychology; review begins 10/7) First Screening Rejection 10/18; Second Screening Rejection email 10/26 x5; Campus Interview Request 11/2; told offer has been made and accepted
College of Charleston (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 8/15) Phone interview request 8/30; On Campus Interview Request 9/16; Was told the offer was accepted and the search is closed
Cornell University (Open Rank in Social or Personality Psychology; review begins 9/19) Campus Interview Invite 10/22; Offer extended
CUNY Hunter College (Open Rank Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 10/1) Skype interview offered 10/19 x6; Campus interview invite 11/3
Fayetteville State University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Social/Developmental/Cognitive Psychology; job ad; rolling review) Phone interview invite 11/8 x2; On campus invite 11/29; Search suspended 12/5; Search resumed 1/12; Offer made and declined
Francis Marion University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; deadline until filled)
Franklin Pierce University (Assistant Professor, Social/Developmental Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately) Skype request 12/14 x3
Hamilton College (see posting under Health)
Hofstra University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 10/1); Skype Interview request 10/21 x2; On-Campus Interview Invite; Initial offer went out
Howard University Assistant Professor (tenure track), Cognitive Psychology (see posting under Cognitive)
Hunter College, CUNY (Health Psychology and Center for HIV Educational Studies & Training (CHEST); see posting under Health Psychology)
Illinois State University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 12/15) Phone Interview Request 1/24 x4; Campus interview invite 2/9; Rejection email 2/9
Kenyon College (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 10/25) skype interview request 10/24 x2, campus interview invite 11/10, offers accepted
Lafayette College (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 10/28) Campus interviews are scheduled and underway; position filled
Lake Forest College (see posting under Open)
Marian University (Assistant Professor, Social/Personality Psychology; job ad; review begins 1/1/2017) campus interview invite
Marist College (Assistant Professor, Social or Health Psychology; job ad; rolling review) Phone interview request 9/20 and 10/26; skype interview request 12/19; campus interview request 10/21 and 12/28
Marshall University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Social, I/O, or Community Psychology; job ad; listing posted 3/22; rolling reviews begin immediately)
McGill University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 10/15) Campus invite 11/8 x2
McGill University (See Indigenous Psychology within the Canadian Context posting (tenure-track) under Other)
Monmouth College (Two Assistant Professors, one in Social/Personality Psychology and the other in I/O Psychology, School Psychology, or Sports Psychology; reviews begin 10/31) Phone Interview Request for Social position; Search closed, offers for both positions extended
Nazareth College (Assistant Professor, Social/Personality Psychology; job ad; deadline 12/15) Phone Interview request 2/7
Northwestern University (Northwestern-Neuroscience-Job see posting under Neuroscience) On-campus interview invite extended 11/18
Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg (Assistant Professor, Social or Community Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately) Skype Interview invite 11/12 x2; Campus Interview invite 1/12 x2
Pitzer College (Claremont Colleges) (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 9/15) Semifinalist Skype interview 10/10; campus interview request 10/24 x3; offer extended 12/2; offer accepted 12/5
Portland State University (Assistant Professor, Applied Social Psychology; review begins 10/1) Skype interview request 10/20 x2, Campus interviews scheduled
Presbyterian College (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 10/10) Request for additional materials 11/1 x2; Skype interview request 11/23
Princeton University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; deadline 10/1) Campus interview invite 11/10
Queen's University Belfast, UK (Lecturer, Social or Applied Social Psychology, https://hrwebapp.qub.ac.uk/tlive_webrecruitment/wrd/run/ETREC107GF.open?VACANCY_ID=06982184fo&WVID=6273090Lgx&LANG=USA, deadline 06/12)
Queen's University Belfast, UK (Senior Lecturer, Social or Applied Social Psychology, https://hrwebapp.qub.ac.uk/tlive_webrecruitment/wrd/run/ETREC107GF.open?VACANCY_ID=55710784Zk&WVID=6273090Lgx&LANG=USA, deadline 06/12)
Radford University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 10/2) Phone interview 11/15 x2; campus interviews underway; offer extended
Roanoke College (Two tenure-track positions, one in developmental and one in social, review begins 12/15) for both the social and developmental 12/16 received email "that they will begin reviewing the applications the second week of January"; Phone Interview invite 1/11
Rockhurst University (Assistant Professor, Social Cognitive Psychology; deadline 12/5) Phone interview requested 12/14 x2, 1/6; Campus Invite 1/13; Offer accepted 2/28
Rutgers University, New Brunswick (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 10/7) Offer Accepted
Rutgers University, Newark (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 10/15) Campus interview invite 11/17 x2 "Search is over"
Salisbury University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 10/1) phone interview requested 10/20 x3, campus interview invite 11/4, position filled
Seattle Pacific University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; deadline 12/15) Skype interview invite 1/10
Siena College (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 12/15); campus interview invite (1/20)
ShanghaiTech University, School of Entrepreneurship and Managment (Assistant/Associate Professor, Social or Cognitive Psychology; job ad; rolling basis)
Southern Methodist University (Assistant Professor, Social; deadline 10/3) Skype interview request 10/21
Stanford University (see posting under Open Area)
Stockton University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 12/1) Skype interview invite 12/22
SUNY Cobleskill (Assistant Professor, Social/Personality Psychology; job ad; review begins 2/17)
SUNY Geneseo (Assistant Professor, Applied Social Psychology); job ad; deadline 2/24) offer accepted
Syracuse University (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 11/14) Campus Interview invite 11/21, 11/25
Tennessee Technological University (Assistant Professor, Social/Health Psychology; new review begins 11/1; start date changed from January 2017 to August 2017) Phone interview 11/4 x2
Texas Tech University (Associate Professor; Social Psychology; review begins 10/1) campus interview invite 10/14; offer accepted
Tilburg University (Full Professor of Organizational Psychology job ad; deadline 3/1)
University of Alberta, Canada (see posting under Neuroscience)
University of Arkansas (Assistant Professor in Social Psychology, with research expertise in Diversity Science; deadline 11/20) Campus interview invite 11/22; offer accepted 1/26
University of Bath, England (Teaching Fellow in the School of Management; deadline 10/4/16; contact N.M.Puccinelli at bath.ac.uk for more information)
University of Bath, England (Assistant/Associate Professor in Consumer Psychology in the School of Management; contact N.M.Puccinelli at bath.ac.uk for more information)
University of California, Davis (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; deadline 9/23) Campus Interviews Underway
University of California, San Diego (Open Rank Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 11/15) Rejection 2/22; Campus Interview Invite 2/22
University of California, San Diego (Open Rank Professor, Knowledge/Learning/Creativity Strategic Hire-Social Focus, Joint Appointment in 2 departments (e.g. Psych & Business); review begins 9/30)
University of California, Santa Cruz (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; review begins 10/10): Additional information requested 11/10 X2; Campus interview invite 11/29; Rejection letter stating campus interviews take place in January 2017 12/19
University of Chicago Booth School of Business (Assistant or Associate Professor; Open area, review begins 10/17) Campus interview invite 11/14
University of Colorado Boulder (Assistant Professor of Social Psychology; review begins 10/15): References requested 9/27, 10/13, 10/14, 10/17 x2, 10/19 x3; Job Talks scheduled in Jan/Feb Events 12/2; rejection letter received 1/6/17, rejection from shortlist 1/19
University of Denver (Assistant Professor, Affective Science; deadline 10/1)
University of Edinburgh (Lecturer, Social Psychology; job ad; deadline 5/31): Campus interview invite 6/7; rejection 6/20
University of Hawaii at Manoa (Assistant Professor, Social and Cognitive Psychology; deadline 11/22) Skype interview 12/1; Campus interview request 12/14
University of Massachusetts Boston (Assistant Professor, Social Neuroscience, Psychology/Honors; review begins 11/1) Skype interview request 11/16 x2; Campus invite 11/28
University of Memphis (Assistant or Associate Professor, Social Psychology or Social Cognition; job ad; review begins 1/26/17) phone interview 2/6 x2
University of Michigan (see posting under Neuroscience)
University of Minnesota Duluth (review begins 11/1) Campus interview invite 11/24
Université de Montréal (see posting under Neuroscience)
Université de Montréal (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; deadline 11/17) Campus interview offered 12/20
University of Nevada, Reno (Assistant Professor, Health Policy/Social Psychology; deadline 10/15)
University of Ottawa (Assistant Professor; deadline 12/15)
University of Oregon (Assistant Professor, Social-Personality Psychology; review begins 10/15) Campus interview offered 12/8 x2
University of Pennsylvania (Assistant Professor, Affective Science; review begins 9/15) Skype interview offered 10/20; Campus interview invite 11/3; Rejection letter 11/10, 11/14
University of Puget Sound (Assistant Professor, Social Identity/Diversity issues, Cultural Psych; review begins 10/1) Skype interview offered 10/12; Skype interview offered x2 10/14; On-Campus Interview Invite; Offer extended and accepted
University of Rochester (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; deadline 10/15) Campus interview 11/8
University of St. Francis (Assistant Professor, Social/Developmental or I/O Psychology; job ad; position open until filled)
University of Texas at Austin (Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences, with emphasis on interpersonal relationships, health, and diversity; review begins 10/1) Campus interview invite 10/26 x2; offer made
University of Texas at Dallas (Open Rank Position in Psychological Sciences; review begins 12/1) Campus interview invites sent
University of Toronto Mississauga (Assistant Professor, Social, Personality, or Health Psychology; deadline 9/15) Campus interview invite 10/12; Rejection Email 11/18
University of Toronto (Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream - Social Psychology; deadline 12/1)
University of Toronto (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology; deadline 11/21) Campus interview invite 12/20
University of Toronto (Assistant Professor, Social Psychology and Justice, in Munk School of Global Affairs; deadline 11/3) Campus Interview Invite 12/12
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire (Assistant Professor, Tenure Track, Social Psychology with emphasis in Cultural or Cross Cultural Psychology; see under Clinical listing; deadline 10/15) Campus interview invite 11/7
Waldorf University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Social or related area; job ad; review starts immediately)
Washington State University (see Human stress and resilience tenure-track posting under Open Area)
Western University (Assistant Professor, Social and I/O Psychology; deadline 9/15) Interview Invitations went out in late November (12/14); campus interview (2/7)
This section is for tenure-track jobs that do not fit in any of the fields above.
Armstrong State University (Assistant Professor or Lecture in Psychology - Applied Behavior Analyst; job ad; Review begins 3/1)
Auburn University (Professor & Head, Department of Human Development and Family Studies; review begins 12/1)
Boston University (Assistant Professor, Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, School of Education; deadline 11/1)
Brandeis University (Assistant Professor, entry-level or advanced, with a specialization in Aging; deadline 10/20) Video interview scheduled 10/31; campus interview 12/11
California State University, Northridge (Assistant Professor, Behavior Analysis; review begins 10/24)
Colorado College (Assistant Professor, Feminist & Gender Studies, with specialization in LGBTQ Studies; deadline 11/1)
Duke University (Assistant Professor of the Practice, with primary focus on undergraduate instruction including research methods and statistics; deadline 12/1) Position filled 3/13
Florida International University (2 Instructor Lines: 9-month full-time, non-tenure track teaching faculty; deadline 11/14)
King's College (Assistant Professor of Psychology; tenure track; deadline 1/13) Campus invite 2/3
Oklahoma State University (Area of specialization in biopsychology, comparative psychology, or evolutionary psychology is preferred, and ideal candidates will have a strong background and research expertise in the biological bases of behavior, broadly defined; deadline 10/1) Phone interview requested 10/18; Offer extended and accepted
McGill University (Assistant/Associate Professor, Indigenous Psychology within the Canadian Context; job ad; review begins 1/10) Campus invite 2/7
MD Anderson Cancer Center (Open Rank Tenured or Tenure Track Position, Psycho-Oncology; job ad; Email: gro.nosrednadm|hcraeSytlucaFicSheB#gro.nosrednadm|hcraeSytlucaFicSheB)
New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development (Assistant Professor of Psychology and Social Intervention; deadline 12/1) Campus interview invite 12/23; Offer Extended/Rejection Email 1/26 x2
Northeastern University (Open Rank, Affective Science; deadline 11/1) Campus interview invite 11/15
Northwestern University (Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders; deadline 9/30) offer extended
Northwestern University (Assistant Professor, Marketing; job ad; deadline 6/24) AMA Interview Invite 7/8
Ripon College (Two Assistant Professors, any field related to business or organizations; review begins 11/1)
State University of New York (SUNY) New Paltz (Assistant Professor of Communication Disorders and Sciences; applications received by 11/1 given priority, open until filled)
State University of New York (SUNY) Potsdam (Assistant Professor, Sensory-Perception; job ad; open until filled) Scheduled phone interview 10/17
Stockton University (New Jersey) (Assistant Professor, Forensic/Legal Psychology in Criminal Justice Program; job ad; open until filled)
University of Arizona (Associate Professor, Family Studies and Human Development; job ad; review begins 1/6)
University of Bath, England (Assistant/Associate Professor in Consumer Psychology in the School of Management; contact N.M.Puccinelli at bath.ac.uk for more information)
University of British Columbia (Instructor - Vantage College / UBC Psychology; job ad; review begins 2/15)
University at Buffalo (Assistant/Associate Professor in Communicative Disorders and Sciences or closely related area; review begins 11/1)
University of California, Irvine (Assistant or Associate Professor, Psychology and Salivary Bioscience; deadline 10/15)
University of California, Santa Barbara (Lecturer, Psychological and Brain Sciences; job ad; deadline rolling)
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (Assistant Professor of Psychology, Emphasis in Evolution or Behavioral Genetics; review starts 10/1) Skype interview request 10/19; Campus Interview Invite 10/27; Rejection received x2
University of New Haven (Assistant Professor in Community Psychology; review starts 12/1) Skype interview request 12/22; Campus interview invite 1/11; Offer extended
University of Michigan (Assistant Professor, Social science position at Ford School of Public Policy; deadline 10/1)
University of Minnesota (Tenure-track job in Program in Human Sexuality in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health; deadline 11/15) Search is on hold
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (State University of Morelos, Mexico) (Tenure-track job in Psycholinguistics (developmental or adults); website; open until filled)
Université de Montréal (Assistant Professor, Forensic psychology; deadline 11/17)
University of Regina (Canada; Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, Organizational Behavior/Human Resources Management, Hill/Levene Schools of Business; job ad; deadline 1/15)
University of Texas at El Paso (Assistant Professor, Legal Psychology; review begins immediately) Campus interviews currently underway for three finalists; search completed
University of Toronto (Assistant Professor, Organizational Behavior, Rotman School of Management; deadline 10/31)
University of Utah (Assistant/Associate Professor-Dept Ophthalmology; job ad) Invited for campus interview
Weber State University (Assistant Professor in Community or Health Psychology; see job ad listed under Health)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Department Head, Department of Social Science & Policy Studies; deadline extended until 12/16)
Yale University School of Medicine (Assistant Professor, Assistant Director of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Services; review begins 10/25)
York University (Assistant Lecturer Critical Thinking, Writing, and Communication; deadline 12/15)
Non-TT, VAP, Community College, and Related Jobs
Arizona State University (Lecturer(s), open area, Job Ad; review begins 3/27/17)
Arizona State University (Lecturer, Legal/Forensic Psych Job Ad; review begins 3/24/17)
Assumption College (Adjunct Faculty, Applied Behavior Analysis; job ad; ongoing)
Augustana College (IL) (Teaching Fellowship; full-time position for ABD or new PhD wanting more teaching experience; job ad; review begins immediately) position filled
Barnard College, Columbia University (Developmental Psychology Term Assistant Professor; job ad; review of application begins April 28)
Baylor University (Clinical Assistant Professor and Clinical Director; job ad; review of application begins immediately; submission
deadline 10/1)
Baylor University (Lecturer; Department of Psychology and Neuroscience; deadline 10/15) campus interview extended 11/4, offer made 11/22, offer accepted
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvaina (Full-time, Temporary Position for Fall 2017 and Spring 2018, Applied Statistics and Early Child Development; job ad; review begins 3/30/17)
Bowdoin College (Visiting Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology; job ad; review begins 12/1/16)
Bowdoin College (Visiting Assistant Professor, Biology and Neuroscience; job ad; review begins 2/6/17)
Bridgewater State University (Visiting Assistant Professor, Social; review begins immediately) position filled
Butler University (Visiting Assistant Professor, Cognitive; deadline 6/3) phone interview 6/5; position filled
Carleton College (Visiting Assistant Professor, Health and Neuroscience; job ad; review begins 3/15)
Case Western Reserve University (Visiting Assistant Professor, Psychology; deadline 6/12/17)
Castleton University (Visiting Assistant Professor with possibility of tenure-track after one year, School Psychology)
Catholic University of America (Visiting Assistant Professor, Clinical; Email materials to ude.auc|ysPnilC-AUC#ude.auc|ysPnilC-AUC; Accepting applications until filled)
Center for Creative Leadership (Full time faculty job ad; review begins immediately 4/1)
(The)College of Idaho (Visiting Assistant Professor, Open focus, could be extended a second year; review begins 3/31 continues until filled)
College of William & Mary (1-year Lecturer of Psychology; Cognitive, Learning & Memory, and Sensation & Perception; job ad; review begins 4/14)
College of William & Mary (1-year Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology; Personality/Social; job ad; review begins 4/14)
College of Wooster (2-year Visiting Assistant Professor with the possibility of renewal, Clinical; review begins 1/15/17) Campus interviews scheduled Offer accepted
College of Wooster (Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology (2 positions) - Open Area - Two-year & One-year; job ad; review begins immediately) Offers accepted
Columbia Basin College (Adjunct Faculty, Psychology - General [http://bit.ly/2rjFxbr] deadline 6/30/17)
Connecticut College (Potential 2-year Visiting Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, or Personality Psychology; job ad; review begins 2/15/17)
Dartmouth College (Lab Instructor, Department of Psychological and Brain Science; job ad; review begins immediately)
DePauw University (1-year Visiting Assistant Professor with possibility of renewal, Open area, with I/O highly desirable; job ad; review begins immediately)
East Carolina University (Two 1-year fixed-term Teaching Instructor or Teaching Assistant Professor positions with possibility of renewal, preference for individuals with experience teaching UG courses in research methods, learning, cognitive psychology, social psychology, and the biological basis of behavior; job ad; screening begins 6/16/17.)
Elon University (Assistant Professor; job site; apply by 10/17; website) Skype interview request 10/21 x4 Campus Invite 11/9
Emmanuel College (Assistant/Association Professor of Psychology; job ad; deadline 10/28)
Florida State University (Assistant in Research Faculty, fMRI Analysis; job site > Browse Job Openings > Keyword 41318; apply by 3/31)
Franklin & Marshall College (Two FT Visiting Professor Positions, 1-2 Years, Multiple areas of study; job ad; deadline 2/13)
George Washington University (FT Senior Research Associate, HIV prevention/stigma/health disparities; [http://www.gwu.jobs/postings/43076]; review begins immediately)
Georgia College & State University (FT Limited Term Lecturer in Psychology, NTT; job site; review begins immediately)
Georgia Southern University (Lecturer in Psychology, NTT; job site; screening begins 10/10) Search filled
Georgia Southern University (Limited-Term Assistant Professor; [http://class.georgiasouthern.edu/psychology/employment-opportunities/]; screening begins 6/5/2017)
Hartwick College (Visiting Assistant Professor of Developmental Psychology; job site; review begins 10/30) On-Campus Interview Request 12/2
Harvard University (FT College Fellows, Teaching&Research; job ad; deadline 3/1)
Harvard University (PT lecturers, ; job ad; review 3/1, deadline 3/15)
Haverford College (One or more PT positions, open area; a total of 4 courses available for one or more candidates for the 2017-18 academic year, depending on availability and interest; job ad; review begins 4/1/17) position filled
Hawaii Department of Health (Research and Evaluation Training Specialist; job ad)
Hillsdale College (Visiting Assistant Professor, Cognitive and/or Developmental Psychology, FT 1 yr with TT search beginning Fall 2017; job ad; review begins immediately)
—Hobart & William Smith Colleges (Visiting Assistant Professor, Cognitive Psychology, FT, 1 yr with possibility of renewal); [https://www.iwu.edu/human-resources/psych-visitor-2017.html] review begins immediately).
Illinois Wesleyan University (Visiting Assistant Professor, Open Area, FT, 1 yr with possibility of renewal). [https://www.iwu.edu/human-resources/psych-visitor-2017.html] review begins immediately.
Indiana University Kokomo (2 positions primary focus is graduate teaching in an upcoming MA program in mental health counseling; job ad; deadline 3/20; contact Dr. Rosalyn Davis, ude.kui|ivaddsor#ude.kui|ivaddsor, with any questions)
Lafayette College (Visiting Assistant Professor, Clinical/Counseling Psychology, FT 1 yr; job ad) Campus interview request 3/24
La Salle University (One-Year Full-Time Faculty Appointment, Clinical; job ad; review starts 6/1)
Lesley University (Assistant Professor, non-tenure track, permanent; Counseling; job ad; applications accepted until filled)
Loras College (Three-Year Visiting Assistant Professor, Neuroscience; job ad; Review starts 2/1/17 with applications accepted until filled) position filled
McGill University (Clinic Director, McGill Psychoeducational and Counselling Clinic; Three-Year Full-Time Position; job ad; review begins 1/10)
Middlebury College (3-Year Full-time position: Bio Psychology/ Behavioral Neuroscience; job ad; deadline 12/2) Phone interview request 12/14; campus interviews scheduled
Monmouth College (1-year Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, open area Psychology job ad; review begins 07/06)**
Northern Arizona University (2 or more full-time Lecturer positions; open area; job ad; review begins 10/20) Phone interview request 11/28, Campus interview request 12/20
Northwestern University (2 Research Faculty or Non-Faculty Research Associate positions, Clinical, Developmental, Social Psychology or related field; job ad; position open until filled)
Northwestern University (Developmental Sciences Research Faculty position; job ad; position open until filled)
Occidental College (Part Time Adjunct Faculty, Neuroscience; [http://www.oxy.edu/sites/default/files/assets/HR/adjunct_positions_2017.docx]; position starts Fall 2017, open until filled)
Ohio State University (Psychosocial Oncology - 1st Clinical Psychologist position; job ad; position open until filled)
Ohio State University (Psychosocial Oncology - 2nd Clinical Psychologist position with emphasis on the BMT Program; job ad; position open until filled)
Penn State University, York (Adjunct, Stats; job ad; position starts Fall 2017)
Reed College (VAP in Open Area, but especially interested in Developmental; job ad; review began 2/18 but the committee is actively reviewing files on a rolling basis) Offer accepted
Regis University, Denver Colorado (1-Year Sabbatical Replacement; Social job ad; position open until filled)
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick, NJ (Instructor Position; non-tenure track; job site)
Saint Leo University (job ad; position open until filled)
Search Institute (job ad; deadline 9/1)
Seton Hall University (Visiting Assistant Professor, Developmental/Clinical); ([http://jobs.shu.edu/cw/en-us/job/492899/visting-assistant-professor-of-psychology])
St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada (Limited Term Assistant Professor; job ad; review begins 7/8; position open until filled)
St. Lawrence University (Visiting Assistant Professor, Social/Cognitive/Applied Psychology; potential 2-year appointment; job ad; due 2/1/17)
St. Mary's College of Maryland (Visiting Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology; job ad; review begins in June)
Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CAv(Psychology Undergrad Dept. Lecturers Pool; job ad; deadline 11/11)
South Dakota State University (Full-Time Instructor in Psychology; job ad; deadline 4/13/17)
Southern Arkansas University (Visiting Assistant Professor, open specialty; review starts immediately and until filled)
St. Norbert College ** POSTED 5/31/2017 (Visiting Assistant Professor, up to 3 years, additional expertise in physiological psychology or neuroscience preferred; job ad; review begins immediately; applications will be screened as they arrive.)
SUNY College at Potsdam (Visiting Assistant Professor, Sensation and Perception or Clinical; review begins immediately, position open until filled)
SUNY Stony Brook (Research Scientist, Psychiatry, Mind Body Clinical Research Center; job ad; review ongoing)
SUNY Oswego (Biological Psychology/Neuroscience; job ad; position posted 3/23/17, review ongoing)
Texas A&M University - Commerce (Ad-Interim Assistant Professor of Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately for Fall 2016)
Texas Christian University (Instructor/Advisor in Psychology; deadline 11/1) Phone interview 11/1; Campus interview extended 11/10; offer made 12/9
Texas Christian University (Instructor in Child Development; job ad deadline 4/1) Position reopened
Texas State University (Senior Lecturer; job ad; deadline 3/1/17)
Trinity University (Visiting Assistant Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience; job ad; deadline 4/1/2017 or until filled)
Truman State University (Assistant Professor, temporary; open area; job ad; review begins 11/21)
University of Alabama (Clinical Assistant Professor; job ad; deadline 10/1)
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (Visiting Assistant Professor/Tenure-Track Option; job ad; review begins immediately; job starts Fall 2016)
University of California, Santa Barbara (Specialist—POOL, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences; job ad;deadline 10/31/17)
University of California, Santa Barbara (Junior Specialist, Liberman Laboratory; job ad;deadline 4/5/17)
University of California, Santa Barbara (Junior Specialist—Ettenberg Lab, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences; job ad; deadline 5/10/17)
University of California, Santa Barbara (Junior Specialist—META Laboratory, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences; job ad;deadline 6/30/17)
University of California, Santa Barbara (Junior Specialist—Spatial Thinking Lab, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences; job ad;deadline 6/5/17)
University of California, Santa Barbara (Junior Specialist—POOL, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences; job ad;deadline 10/31/17)
University of California, Santa Barbara (Project Scientist (All Levels) in Psychological & Brain Sciences; job ad; deadline 10/31)
University of Calgary (Instructor, Developmental Psychology; job ad; closes 10/31)
University of Canterbury (Visiting Fellow, Sensation and Perception; job ad; position starts February 2017)
University of Chicago (3-year Lecturer of Psychology including Cognitive and Cognitive Neuroscience; job ad; review begins 5/13/2017)
University of Colorado Denver (Clinical position, non-tenure track, School Psychology; job site, refer to requisition 06080; deadline 1/15)
University of Connecticut Hartford Campus (Assistant Professor in Residence; job ad; deadline 4/1/17)
University of Idaho (Assistant professor, non-tenure track, permanent; Developmental/Social/Personality; deadline 1/6)
University of Idaho (Assistant professor, non-tenure track, permanent; Biological/Experimental; deadline 1/6)
University of Illinois Springfield (Instructor, non-tenure track; open area; job ad; review begins 3/8)
University of Maryland, College Park (Assistant Clinical Professor; job ad; review begins in June)
University of Maryland, College Park (Research Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology; job ad; review begins June 2016)
University of Massachusetts Amherst (Lecturer Research Methodologist, non-tenure track, full time - Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences; job ad; deadline 3/1/17)
University of Massachusetts Amherst (Lecturer/Visiting Assistant Professor, non-tenure track, 3 year - Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences; job ad; deadline 4/17/17)
University of Oregon (Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor, job ad; review begins 4/1)
University of Southern Mississippi - Gulf Coast (Visiting Assistant Professor, 9 month, open specialty, preference for applied fields, ABD accepted; job ad; review starts immediately)
University of Tampa (Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately)
University of Toronto Scarborough (Part-time (75%) appointment January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017 rank of Lecturer - Social Psychology; deadline 11/25) Offer accepted
University of Toronto Scarborough (Part-time (75%) appointment January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017 rank of Lecturer - Research Methods; deadline 11/25)
University of Virginia (Adjunct, Clinical and School Psychology program; job ad; open until filled)
University of Washington (Psychology – Lecturer, Part-time, Competitive Recruitment; [http://bit.ly/2plE1Jy]; deadline 7/1/17)
University of Washington (Psychology – Senior Lecturer; [http://bit.ly/2plFHCH]; deadline 7/1/17)
University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Canada (Visiting Assistant Professor; Open area Developmental preferred; job ad; deadline 7/4)
Valparaiso University (Visiting Assistant Professor, Counseling or a related field; job ad; review begins immediately)
Washington College (Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately)
West Chester University of Pennsylvania (Clinical Director, University Community Mental Health Training Clinic; job website; review begins in June)
Western Oregon University (Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychological Sciences; job ad; review begins 1/30)
William Paterson University of New Jersey (Visiting Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology; job ad; review begins immediately)
Williams College (Visiting Assistant Professor, Behavioral Neuroscience; deadline 12/1)
Williams College (Visiting Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology; job ad; deadline 1/31/17)
University of Toronto (Postdoc in Clinical Psychology and Clinical Neuroscience); [http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/psych/sites/utsc.utoronto.ca.psych/files/PDF%20advert%20Goghari.pdf]; deadline ASAP rolling)
UNC-Chapel Hill (postdoc in cognitive neuroscience) NIMH-funded project evaluating a novel transdiagnostic anhedonia treatment using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Click here to apply: [https://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/118374] ; informal inquiries to ude.cnu.dem|rethcid#ude.cnu.dem|rethcid
Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness (Postdoc in Treatment of Eating Disorders); website; deadline 8/1)
Arizona State University (Postdoc in Developmental Neuroscience and Externalizing Psychopathology; review begins 1/30) Position filled
Arizona State University (Postdoc in the Etiology and Prevention of Youth Violence; job ad; review begins 1/15)
Arizona State University (Postdoc in Cognitive Science & Social Psychology, Job#12007; job ad; review begins 6/2)
Army Research Laboratory (Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD) (Postdoc in Human Dynamics of Cybersecurity); U.S. Citizen requirement, $75,000; Join a multi-disciplinary team with a new, state-of-the-art human cyber test range laboratory; core skill set in: cognitive sciences, data science; desired any of the following: computational modeling, machine learning, integrating many physiological and wearable measures (HRV, eye tracking, Kinect sensor). For more information, please contact: lim.liam|vic.relhcub.uobron#lim.liam|vic.relhcub.uobron Work on mission research as well as collaborative research alliances with Academia and Industry.
Army Research Laboratory (Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD) (Postdoc in Human Behavior in Complex Social Systems); U.S. Citizen requirement, $75,000; Join a multi-disciplinary team investigating sociocultural dynamics, their visualization, and effects on decision-making in military environments; core skill set in: cognitive sciences, data science, or social dynamics; desired any of the following: computational modeling, visualization of big data, geographic information science, programming. For more information, please contact: lim.liam|vic.ssueg.n.leahciM#lim.liam|vic.ssueg.n.leahciM Work on mission research as well as collaborative research alliances with Academia and Industry.
Baylor College of Medicine (Health Professions Education Evaluation and Research Fellowship; email Josh Conwell at ude.mcb|llewnoC.auhsoJ#ude.mcb|llewnoC.auhsoJ for more information; rolling deadline, multiple positions available)
Boys Town National Research Hospital (Postdoc in the Center for Neurobehavioral Research; new research institute headed by James Blair, formerly of the NIMH; focus on neural dysfunction underpinning psychopathology; fMRI experience preferred; email cover letter and CV to gro.nwotsyob|rialb.semaj#gro.nwotsyob|rialb.semaj; review begins immediately for summer 2017 start); job ad; deadline 2/1)
Center for Creative Leadership (Post-doc in Societal Advancement, Evaluation and Research Team;
2 years with renewal option; program evaluation and applied developmental science, August 1 start; job ad; review begins immediately 4/1)
Center for Creative Leadership (Research post-doc; 2 years with renewal option; Start date negotiable; job ad; review begins immediately 4/1)
Centre for Addiction & Mental Health, Postdoctoral Fellowship in Borderline Personality Disorder Clinic (job ad; Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis beginning January 24, 2017)
Chapman University (Postdoctoral Fellowship in Southern California utilizing interdisciplinary approaches to understand key challenges in maternal-child health; job ad; to apply send CV to ude.nampahc|blohnhah#ude.nampahc|blohnhah; review begins immediately until position is filled); position filled
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (Postdoc in the Center for ADHD focused on sleep functioning and sluggish cognitive tempo within a developmental psychopathology framework; send cover letter and CV to gro.cmhcc|rekceb.nehpets#gro.cmhcc|rekceb.nehpets; rolling deadline)
Clemson University (Postdoc that is a joint appointment with Clemson University & Greenville Health System to address leadership & teamwork development/organizational culture issues in healthcare; I/O, Quantitative, Social, Health Psychology; review begins immediately) Hire has been made.
Columbia University (Post-doc in the Department of Psychology, cognitive neuroscience of attention, perception, and memory; job ad; review is ongoing and will continue until position is filled)
Columbia University, Center for Research on Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Psychiatric, Neurologic and Behavioral Genetics (job ad; deadline 2/15)
Columbia University Medical Center at New York State Psychiatric Institute (Postdoc at the Anxiety Disorders Clinic and the Center for OCD and Related Disorders; focus on translating science into new understanding and treatments for anxiety and OCD; applicants with an interest in neuromodulation, imaging, genetic, or translational research are encouraged to apply; send cover letter and CV to ude.aibmuloc.ipsyn|okhsreg#ude.aibmuloc.ipsyn|okhsreg)
Columbia University Medical Center at New York State Psychiatric Institute (Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Genetics.The goal of the fellowship is to train researchers whose work is focused on the ethical, legal and social implications of advances in genetics, with a special focus on psychiatric, neurologic, and behavioral genetics.The deadline for application is February 15, 2017. For further information about the program and application materials, please contact the Training Director, Sharon Schwartz, PhD: sbs5@ columbia.edu.)
Columbia University, Department of Neurology (Postdoc at the Cognitive Neuroscience Division to study the cognitive neuroscience of aging and dementia: 2 year minimum commitment, access to multimodal imaging and cognitive data in young to older adults, well-established post-doctoral training program. Email cover letter and CV to Yunglin Gazes, ude.aibmuloc|7012ly#ude.aibmuloc|7012ly if interested. Applications accepted on rolling basis until filled.)
Columbia University Medical Center, Department of Neurology (Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cognitive Neuroscience to study cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis; Accepting applications now for 7/1/2017 start; email cover letter and CV to Victoria Leavitt, PhD: ude.aibmuloc.cmuc|7332LV#ude.aibmuloc.cmuc|7332LV)
Duke University (Postdoc in Cognitive Science/Neuroscience; focus on learning and expertise (specifically with athletes) [http://www.dukeoptilab.org/jobs.html]; open immediately, starting May 30, 2017)
Duke University (Postdoc in Social/Personality Psychology; focus on well-being and the self; job ad; deadline 6/16)
Florida International University, Miami, FL (Two postdocs in Cognitive Neuroscience of ADHD in children; job ad; preferable Nov. 1. start date)
Florida State University (Postdoc in Cognitive Neuroscience; cognitive control and/or working memory; job website; rolling deadline)
Fordham University (Postdoc in Applied Developmental Psychology, ethnic/racial discrimination, sleep, minority adolescent development; job ad; rolling deadline, send materials to Dr. Yip, ude.mahdrof|piyt#ude.mahdrof|piyt)
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Postdoc in Tobacco Research; [http://bit.ly/2qTGmHS])
Georgia Tech (Postdoc in Cognitive Aging; job website; deadline May 31st contact Audrey Duarte ude.hcetag.hcysp|etraud.yerdua#ude.hcetag.hcysp|etraud.yerdua)
Georgetown University (Postdoc in Educational neuroscience/reasoning; job ad; open until filled )
Haskins Laboratories (Postdoc focused on the neural bases of reading and language disorders; job ad; send CV to Lab Organizer Tammy Ursini ude.elay|inisru.ymmat#ude.elay|inisru.ymmat, rolling deadline)
Harvard University - University of Michigan Postdoctoral Fellowships (2 positions): focus on adolescent development and quantitative methods; Harvard ad job ad University of Michigan ad job ad deadline: March 31, 2017
Hunter College, Center for HIV Educational Studies & Training (CHEST) (Postdoctoral fellows [up to 3 positions]: clinical psychology, social & behavioral sciences; job ad; rolling deadline)
Indiana University Bloomington (Postdoc position in Cognitive Neuroscience / Autism Spectrum Disorder; job ad; review begins immediately)
Lancaster University, UK (Postdoc: job ad; Secure Software Development by the Masses; deadline 31 March 2017; Informal enquiries ku.ca.retsacnal|eswot.j#ku.ca.retsacnal|eswot.j and/or ku.ca.retexe|enivel.m#ku.ca.retexe|enivel.m)
Medical University of South Carolina (Postdoc in Clinical Health Psychology/ Behavioral Medicine; job ad; deadline 12/12/16; send only letter of interest and CV to Dr. Serber ude.csum|erebres#ude.csum|erebres)
Midwest Regional Postdoctoral Training Program (University of Chicago [Chicago, IL], University of Minnesota [Minneapolis, MN], Neuropsychiatric Research Institute [Fargo, ND]) (T32 postdoc fellowship in Eating Disorders research. Program and Application Info; review begins 11/1; applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until positions are filled)
Mind Research Network (Albuquerque, NM) Postdoctoral Fellow position Position in multimodal neuroimaging of traumatic brain injury and psychosis spectrum disorders Job #2016.164.M, ongoing through 9/30/17; apply through website or contact gro.nrm|reyama#gro.nrm|reyama with resume/CV
Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (Postdoc in Cognition and Action; website)
National Cancer Institute (Rockville, MD) (Quantitative Postdoc Fellowship in Basic Biobehavioral and Psychological Sciences [https://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/brp/docs/BBPSB-Fellow-May-2017.pdf]; rolling, earliest start date Sept. 11, 2017)
National University of Singapore (Postdoc Fellowship in Learning Sciences and Psychological Interventions; job ad; rolling, recommended to apply by 30 April)
Naval Research Laboratory (Postdocs in Cognitive Science; job ad; deadline 12/1) interview invite 6/16
New York University Abu Dhabi (Postdoc in Developmental Psychology; job ad; position open until filled)
New York University (Postdoc in Developmental/Educational Psychology; job ad; position open until filled)
Northern Michigan University (Postdoctoral Position in Haptics Perception; job ad; deadline 5/15)
Northern Michigan University (Postdoctoral Position in Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience; job ad; deadline 7/15)
Northwestern University (Postdoc in Clinical Psychology/Translational Cognitive-Affective Neuroscience; job ad)
Northwestern University (Postdoc in the Kellogg School of Management; job ad; position open until filled) 2 Offers made and 2 accepted
Northwestern University (Postdoc in Social Psychology; position open until filled) Offer made 2/23; Offer accepted 3/3
Northwestern University (Postdoc in LGBTQ Health; job ad; position open until filled)
Northwestern University (Postdoc at the Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies; 2 positions open job ad; positions opened until filled)
Northwestern University (Postdoc in Memory and Brain Stimulation; job ad; position open until filled)
Oxford University (Postdoc in Social Psychology/Interdisciplinary; job ad; deadline 8/31)
Penn State University (Postdoc in Social Psychology; [http://psychjobsearch.wikidot.com/forum/t-2282811/postdoctoral-scholar-in-social-psychology-at-penn-state]; position available immediately and open until filled)
Purdue University (Postdoc in Cognition and Learning Laboratory; job ad; position open until filled)
Rutgers University - Newark (1-2 Postdoc openings in Computational Cognitive Development Lab; job ad; position open until filled)
Simon Fraser University (Postdoc working on a functional MRI study in monitoring brain functional recovery post stroke and traumatic brain injury; job ad; deadline 11/30/16)
Simon Fraser University (2 postdocs in Aging, Technology and Dementia; job ad; deadline 11/30/16)
Stanford University (Postdoc in Social Psychology with a focus on psychological interventions in education; PI: Dr. Greg Walton; job ad; position open until filled)
Stanford University (Postdoc in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience; Stanford Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience Lab; website; rolling deadline)
Stanford University (Postdoc in Developmental Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience; Stanford Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience Lab; website; rolling deadline)
Texas A&M University (Postdoc in Affective Attention Lab; job ad; open until filled)
Texas A&M University (Postdoc in fMRI/ERP affective science, anxiety; job ad; rolling deadline)
Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, MD (Postdoc will assist with therapy trial aimed at preventing eating disorders and reducing excess weight gain in adolescent military dependents; job ad; please send letter of interest and CV; applications will be reviewed as they are received)
University of Alabama at Birmingham (Postdoc focused on semantic memory and neuroimaging; job ad; deadline 11/1)
University of Arizona (Postdoc in Department of Psychology focused on implicit bias in medicine; job ad; deadline 2/1/17)
University of Bergen, Norway (Postdoctoral Fellowship in Causal Modeling; job ad; deadline 28 Feb 2017)
University of British Columbia (Postdoc in Department of Psychology focusing on hoarding disorder; deadline 15 Feb 2017) Interview mid-March; rejection email 3/27; position appears filled
University of California, Irvine (Postdoctoral Scholar, Developmental Psychology; job ad; review begins 4/15)
University of California, Los Angeles (One Postdoc Fellowship T32 Program on Biobehavioral Issues in Mental and Physical Health; website; deadline 12/1) email stating that I am in the "top group of applicants" and their process will continue in January
University of California, San Francisco (Postdoc in Late Life Depression/Neurodegenerative Disease; job ad; deadline 12/15/16)
University of California, Riverside & Irvine (Postdoc in Cognitive Training) Position filled
University of California, Riverside (Postdoc in Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging; job ad)
University of California, Santa Barbara (Postdoc in Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences; job ad; rolling deadline)
University of California, Los Angeles AND University of California, San Diego (2 Postdocs in Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, focused on children's mental health implementation research [http://4keeps.psych.ucla.edu]; send (1) a letter of interest; (2) CV; and (3) threerecommendation letters to Dr. Lau (ude.alcu.hcysp|uala#ude.alcu.hcysp|uala) and Dr. Brookman-Frazee (ude.dscu|namkoorbl#ude.dscu|namkoorbl). Applicants may include reprints or preprints of manuscripts or other scholarly writing samples. Please specify whether you have a preference for a fellowship at UCLA or UCSD site. Position available 7/1/2016, but start date flexible. review begins 12/15/16; rolling deadline)
University of Denver ([Postdoc; job ad)
University of Florida (Postdoc; Woods Lab, Center for Cognitive Aging and Memory; neuroimaging, tDCS, clinical trials, cognitive aging; for more info please email ude.lfu.phhp|sdoowja#ude.lfu.phhp|sdoowja, rolling deadline, position available immediately)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology (Beckman Institute Postdoctoral Research Associate in Human Brain Plasticity; job ad; May 15 deadline)
University of Iowa (Postdoc; Stigma and Motivation lab in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences; seeking applicants with experience in one or more of the following areas: stigma, prejudice, social categorization, social judgment, motivation, goal processes, eyetracking, face processing and memory, or emotion theory and measurement; job ad; rolling deadline)
University of Maryland, College Park (University of Maryland President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program; open area; website)
University of Maryland, College Park (Postdoc in clinical psychology to start Summer 2016 as part of a NIMH R01; job ad; applications still being accepted) (Masters/Post-Bac positions also available job ad)
University of Michigan - Harvard University Postdoctoral Fellowships (2 positions): focus on adolescent development and quantitative methods; University of Michigan ad job ad Harvard ad job ad deadline: March 31, 2017
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Postdoc in Cognitive Neuroscience; Cognitive Control, Attention, Motivation, Skill learning; job ad; rolling deadline)
University of Michigan (Diversity Postdoc; deadline 10/30) Rejection 12/21 x 2
University of Minnesota Twin Cities (Postdoc Social Sciences Data Curation Specialist, in the University Libraries; job ad; rolling review)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Postdoc in Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience; job ad; rolling deadline)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Postdoc in child development with an emphasis in quantitative methods; contact ude.lnu|yerol#ude.lnu|yerol for more details; deadline 5/1)
University of New Mexico/U.S. Army Research Lab (Postdoc in Cognitive Neuroscience; Title: Mindfulness Meditation for enhanced attentional control; job ad rolling deadline)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (T32 postdoc at the UNC-Chapel Hill’s Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities; job ad; deadline is April 15th, 2017)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Postdoc in Cognitive/Network Neuroscience; job ad; rolling deadline)
University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Postdoc in Human Development and Family Studies / Kinesiology; Title: Self-Regulation in Childhood and Cardiometabolic Risk in Adolescence and Young Adulthood; rolling deadline; contact ude.gcnu|niklacds#ude.gcnu|niklacds for more details)
University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Postdoc in Cognitive Aging / Metacognition; rolling deadline; job ad)
University of New Hampshire(Postdoc in youth violence/sexual violence prevention; job ad; rolling deadline)
University of Oklahoma (Three Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing; job ad; deadline 2/12/17)
University of Pittsburgh (Postdoc in Developmental and Learning Science job ad; deadline rolling)
University of Portland (Postdoc in the biology of social emotions, with an emphasis on developing teaching skills; job ad; review beings 3/1)
University of Richmond (Trawick Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cognitive Neuroscience; [https://richmond.csod.com/ats/careersite/JobDetails.aspx?id=1212]; position begins Aug 23, 2017; rolling deadline)
University of Rochester (Postdoc in the Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide; website; rolling deadline)
University of Rochester (Research Associate in Developmental Psychology/Psychopathology; open until filled) Offer accepted
University of Southern California (Neuroimaging-focused postdoc to contribute to study of the fathering brain; job ad; rolling deadline)
University of South Florida (Postdoc in Clinical Child/Adolescent Psychology, focus: Anxiety/OCD/Tourette/Tics/Autism, location: Rothman Center for Neuropsychiatry; job ad; rolling deadline)
University of South Florida St. Petersburg (Two Minority Postdocs: #1. Cognition/Neuroscience, focus: Motivation and Attention. #2. Cross-Cultural Health Psychology, focus: Youth HIV & Global Health job ad; deadline 1/15/17)
University of Texas at Austin (Postdoc in the Department of Psychiatry, cognitive neuroscience of memory, emotion, and anxiety disorders; job ad; position open until filled)
University of Texas at Dallas (Postdoc (x2) in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Developmental Psychology Focus; job ad; desired start date 5/1)
University of Toronto (Postdoc in Clinical Child Psychology/Developmental Psychology; job ad; deadline 10/1)
University of Toronto (postdoc in clinical psychology, clinical neuroscience) Ad, here: http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/psych/sites/utsc.utoronto.ca.psych/files/PDF%20advert%20Goghari.pdf
University of Virginia (2 Post doc positions at the Center for Behavioral Health and Technology; job ad; deadline rolling)
University of Virginia (Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, working with social psychologists; job site; search posting 0620255; review begins 2/9)
University of Washington (Postdoc position in READi Lab-Research in Early Autism Detection and Intervention; [http://bit.ly/2r0ZMuy]; APPS REVIEWED ON AN ONGOING BASIS, job was posted on 5/6/17)
University of Washington (Postdoc position in Social Identity Lab; [http://bit.ly/2pZnMic])
University of Washington (Postdoc position in Adaptive sensorimotor learning in speech production; job ad; open until filled)
University of Western Ontario (Postdocs (x2) in Auditory Cortical Plasticity; job ad; review begins immediately)
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Postdoc T32 Trainee position with Training Program in Emotion Research; website; deadline 1/31/17)
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Postdoc, Educational Neuroscience; job ad; review begins immediately)
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Postdoc, Cognitive Psychology/Cognitive Neuroscience; job ad; beginning review immediately and continuing until position is filled.)
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Postdoc, Addiction Research Center; job ad; beginning review immediately and continuing until position is filled.)
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Postdoc, Human Psychoneuroimmunology Research with the Center for Healthy Minds; job ad )
Vanderbilt University (Postdoc in computational cognitive modeling, Department of Psychology; job ad; rolling deadline)
Vanderbilt University (NEW - Posted March 2017: Postdoc in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience/Numerical Cognition, Department of Psychology & Human Development, Peabody College; job ad; rolling deadline)
Vanderbilt University Medical Center (Data Analyst - Neuroimaging at Contemplative Neuroscience and Integrative Medicine Lab and Osher Center for Integrative Medicine; job ad; deadline 6/1) Phone interview through 6/1
Washington University in St. Louis (2 time-limited staff positions (similar to postdocs) in the Center for Integrative Research on Cognition, Learning, and Education. See job ad 1 and job ad 2; open until filled)
Wayne State University (Postdoc in Psychiatric Neuroscience; job ad; rolling deadline)
Wayne State University (Postdoc in NIH Fetal Brain Research Laboratory; job ad; Project is Detroit & San Francisco based; beginning review immediately and continuing until position filled)
Wayne State University (Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biobehavioral and Social Health; job ad; rolling deadline)
Williams College (Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cognitive Psychology at Williams College; job ad; rolling deadline)
Yale-NUS College (Postdoctoral/Research Fellow, Social or Educational Psychology; job ad; deadline 2/15; applications also being considered for a Summer 2017 start date)