Has anyone used a portfolio service (like interfolio.com) for apps? Is this ok- do committees care on way or another if apps are sent this way?
I'm not too familiar with portfolio services—I didn't think it was common to use them in psychology. Can you still tailor your individual applications (e.g., cover letters, research statement) if you're using a portfolio service? If not, then my instinct would be to not use it.
Yes, you can tailor everything, at least with the one I am using.
I've certainly had success using interfolio, especially since I didn't want to bother my references every time I found a new job for which to apply. Occasionally, job announcements will request that recommendation letters be sent directly from your references; however, anytime that I called and explained that I use a third-party website for keeping my letters confidential, no one had a problem with it. (I've even received compliments for being so up-to-date with technology!)
My advisor is nearing 40 letters for me this season. My other writers are at 10-20 each (been spreading the requests around). I wince every time I have to ask for another one.
How tailorable are these interfolio letters?
I upload a new letter for each one I apply to (new cover, etc). The letter writers have uploaded a generic reference. I had two writers say they didn't want to do it this way because of preference for changing the address, etc., but the other two did and it was super helpful.
On your end you can change anything very easily, but it might be just as annoying for them to change things on the interfolio site. The best thing is that all the copying, mailing, etc. is done.
With two kids I was going crazy running to the post-office, etc. I decided to go for the easy route. No schools have complained about the service.