Two Tenure-Track Openings
Department of Psychology
The Psychology Department of Duquesne University has two tenure-track assistant professor positions, starting August 2014. Committed to the articulation of Psychology as a Human Science, our faculty affirms the importance of a philosophically informed perspective on psychological theory, research and clinical practice. This commitment finds expression in contemporary applications of approaches that include existentialism, post-structuralism, phenomenology, critical theory, psychoanalysis, neuroscience, hermeneutics, feminism, narrative and critical community psychologies, humanistic and transpersonal psychologies. Successful candidates will want to join the conversation among these perspectives, as well as express interest in clinical psychology, clinical supervision, cultural diversity/difference, and/or interpretative and qualitative research.
Our APA-accredited program values diversity, and welcomes and encourages applications from women and minorities.
Interested persons should send a cover letter, vita, three letters of
recommendation, and samples of scholarship to:
Dr. Eva Simms
Faculty Search Committee
Psychology Department
Duquesne University
600 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15282
Application Review will begin January 6, 2014. For additional information, please visit our website, send us an email (ude.qud|ygolohcysp#ude.qud|ygolohcysp), or call (412-396.6520).
The applicant must be willing to contribute actively to the mission and respect the Spiritan Catholic identity of Duquesne University. The mission is implemented through a commitment to academic excellence, a spirit of service, moral and spiritual values, sensitivity to world concerns and ecumenical campus community.
Duquesne University was founded in 1878 by its sponsoring religious community, the Congregation of the Holy Spirit. Duquesne University is Catholic in mission and ecumenical in spirit. Motivated by its Catholic identity, Duquesne values equality of opportunity both as an educational institution and as an employer.