Psychology Job Wiki Instructions

Please read through these instructions to become familiar with how the wiki works before you edit it. If you need help or have questions, please send a message to vd through the wikidot messaging system.

How to List a New Job

If you know of a job that is not already listed, then follow these steps to add it:

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the current wiki and click the "edit" button.
  • Find the section of the page code associated with the area that is most closely related to the job (e.g., clinical, cognitive, social).
  • Add the name of the school associated with the job in bold font.
    • Text can be bolded by putting two asterisks before and two asterisks after it (see code examples below).
  • Tenure-track jobs are assumed by default to be at the rank of Assistant Professor. Indicate the rank only if that is not the case (e.g., Associate/Full Professor).
  • If possible, include a link to the job ad (see code examples below). Please use a URL shortener for extremely long links.
  • Indicate the application deadline (include the year in the date). Omit "open until filled," which is assumed by default.
  • Keep the schools listed in alphabetical order.
  • In the text box labeled "Short description of changes," indicate which job(s) you added.
  • Click the "save" button to post your changes.

Code examples:

**Random State University** ([ job ad]; deadline 10/15/21)

**University of Everywhere** (Associate/Full Professor; [ job ad]; review starts 9/1/21)

which would appear as:

Random State University (job ad; deadline 10/15/21)

University of Everywhere (Associate/Full Professor; job ad; review starts 9/1/21)

How to Cross-Reference Multiple Areas

Please avoid duplicating the same job listing across areas because it can complicate the updating process. If a job fits in more than one area (e.g., clinical and developmental), then post the job in the most closely related area and add cross-references in the other related areas. For example, you could post a clinical/developmental job under Clinical and then add a cross-reference under Developmental. This requires two steps.

  • In the Clinical section (where the job is posted), add an anchor before the school name. In the following code example, the anchor is called my-clinical-dev-job. Notice there is a single space between the pound sign and the anchor name.
[[# my-clinical-dev-job]] **Random State University** ([ job ad]; deadline 10/15/21)
  • In the Developmental section (where the job is cross-referenced), add a link to the anchor you just created. Notice there is no space between the pound sign and the anchor name in the following code example:
**Random State University** ([#my-clinical-dev-job see posting under Clinical])

After posting, check whether your cross-reference works correctly.

How to Update an Existing Job

This is a frequent wiki activity. If a job is already listed and you have new information about its status, then make your update by following these steps:

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the current wiki and click the "edit" button.
  • Find the section of the page code associated with the job and locate the school name.
  • Add your update in bold font at the end of whatever information has already been posted.
    • Text can be bolded by putting two asterisks before and two asterisks after it (see code examples below). If updates have already been made, then simply insert your text before the last pair of existing asterisks.
  • In the text box labeled "Short description of changes," make a note of your update (e.g., "Random State University clinical rejection").
  • Click the "save" button to post your update.

Common updates include:

  • Application acknowledged
  • Short list
  • Phone interview
  • Virtual interview (e.g., Zoom)
  • Campus interview
  • Rejection letter
  • Job talks scheduled/posted
  • Offer made
  • Offer accepted
  • Search canceled

To help construct the time line for a job search, include the date of your update (if your update concerns an interview, post the date of the interview invitation). If you can independently confirm an existing update (e.g., you also received an interview invitation), then add or increment a multiplier (x2, x3, etc.) after the update.

Code examples:

**Random State University** ([ job ad]; deadline 10/15/21) **application acknowledged 10/2/21 x3; short list 11/8/21; campus interview 11/14/21 x2; offer made 1/9/22; offer accepted 1/20/22**

**University of Everywhere** (Associate/Full Professor; [ job ad]; review starts 9/1/21) **campus interview 9/30/21; rejection e-mail 10/28/21 x2**

which would appear as:

Random State University (job ad; deadline 10/15/21) application acknowledged 10/2/21 x3; short list 11/8/21; campus interview 11/14/21 x2; offer made 1/9/22; offer accepted 1/20/22

University of Everywhere (Associate/Full Professor; job ad; review starts 9/1/21) campus interview 9/30/21; rejection e-mail 10/28/21 x2

If job talks are posted online (e.g., on a department calendar), then you can link to them.

Code example:

**Random State University** ([ job ad]; deadline 10/15/21) **application acknowledged 10/2/21 x3; short list 11/8/21; [ job talks posted] 11/26/21**

which would appear as:

Random State University (job ad; deadline 10/15/21) application acknowledged 10/2/21 x3; short list 11/8/21; job talks posted 11/26/21

If a job search is finished (e.g., an offer has been made and accepted), do not delete the posting! Delete the link to the job ad, but then cross out (strikethrough) the job posting on the wiki by adding two hyphens before and after the entire job entry.

Code example:

--**Random State University** (deadline 10/15/21) **application acknowledged 10/2/21 x3; short list 11/8/21; campus interview 11/14/21 x2; offer made 1/9/22; offer accepted 1/20/22**--

which would appear as:

Random State University (deadline 10/15/21) application acknowledged 10/2/21 x3; short list 11/8/21; campus interview 11/14/21 x2; offer made 1/9/22; offer accepted 1/20/22

How to Check for Updates

To check what has been updated since your last visit:

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the current wiki and click the "history" button.
  • Choose the last version of the wiki you saw by clicking the left radio button beside it.
  • Click the "compare versions" button and scroll through the wiki. Updates will be highlighted.
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